Professor of History

Co-Director, Medieval and Renaissance Studies Center

Texas Tech University


         Lists of Lives


             Today scholars are paying increased attention to hagiography.  From the 1960s on, the number of entries in the sections on the "Vies des saints" in the bibliography of the Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique has more than tripled.  The number of journals devoted specifically to hagiography has moved from one to three.   Academic societies devoted to the study of hagiography and the saints have been established in the United States and in many European countries. Hagiographical studies increasingly attempt to move beyond individual events in order to investigate the "longue durée."  Scholars are less concerned about reconstructing the history of individual saints, more concerned about hagiographical texts per se, especially about problems relating to the changing needs of authors and audiences.  Brilliant articles and monographs on individual saints and literary texts continue to appear, but they now share the stage with comparative studies, sometimes even with broadly based statistical analyses.              


            Yet it is not easy to assemble hagiographical samples that pertain to particular problems.  Existing references still focus on individual saints' lives and cults, and do not isolate texts by date of composition, geography, etc.  The result is that broad studies tend either to proceed with inadequate data or to get overwhelmed in Quellenkritik.  There is a solution.  Scholars have already delineated many comprehensive samples of hagiographical texts, identifying those with particular geographical, chronological, or genre characteristics. These samples can serve as bases for investigations of additional problems.  Such an approach is particularly helpful when a research problem is broad but search time is limited.


            The following preliminary bibliography attempts to facilitate access to comprehensive hagiographical samples.  It has been limited arbitrarily to lives (vitae) of the saints, a single hagiographical genre, because of my own research interests and the relative abundance of material.  Studies that concern the dossiers of single saints have generally been omitted--these are easy to locate through existing guides. Studies that concern the hagiographical production of a single author or institution (such as a monastery or church) are also relatively easy to locate using existing indices and are included here only if they have broader regional or topical dimensions. Lists of evidence for cults have not been included unless these specifically include inventories of vitae. Annotations offer information about the size and quality of the samples.








Bibliotheca Hagiographica Latina Antiquae et Mediae Aetatis [BHL], ed.. Société des Bollandistes.  Subsidia Hagiographica 6.  Brussels:  Bollandistes, 1898-1901.  Updated by the BHL Novum Supplementum, ed. Henri Fros.  Subsidia Hagiographica 70.  Ibid., 1986.  To the 9031 Latin hagiographical texts indexed in the original BHL, the Supplementum adds 1000s more, including unedited texts known through published manuscript catalogues.  It adds an index of authors.  The BHL lists saints, their feasts, texts (with incipit and explicit), and editions.  It does not attempt to classify lives or to date them in any but the most generic and relative fashion.  Nevertheless, as an identification tool this reference system is of such specificity and authority that hagiographical studies often include parenthetical BHL numbers as a scholarly courtesy.

Guy Philippart and his students François de Vriend, Bénédicte Legrain, and Michel Trigalet have produced an Index analytique
des Catalogues de manuscrits hagiographiques latins publiés par les Bollandistes
, an open-access on-line search engine which allows searches by BHL number, manuscript locations, and other features.


            Fros, Henri.  "Inédits non rencensé dans la BHL."  Analecta Bollandiana 102 (1984): 163-96, 355-80. Fros lists texts, usually late medieval minor variants, which were omitted from the BHL and its Novum Supplementum.


Hagiographies. Volumes 1-5 (1994-2012), ed. Guy Philippart; vol. 6- (2014-), ed. Monique Goullet. Corpus Christianorum Hagiographies. Turnhout: Brepols, 1994-. Sixty+ collaborators survey hagiography by dividing it up into manageable pieces: by chronological periods, often pre-Constantinian, 314-750, 750-950, 950-1130, 1130-1220, 1220-1350, 1350-1450, and 1450-1550; by geographical areas, usually defined nationally and linguistically; and by language, in many cases treating Latin and vernacular hagiographical traditions separately.  The choice to publish the individual contributions as they arrive makes each volume a hodgepodge. 


Bibliotheca Hagiographica Graeca [BHG].  3rd ed., ed.. François Halkin.  2 vols.  Subsidia Hagiographica, no. 8a.  Brussels:  Société des Bollandistes, 1957.  Supplemented by Halkin, Novum Auctarium BHG.  Subsidia Hagiographica 65. Ibid., 1984.  The initial volumes listed edited texts; the Novum Auctarium also indicates texts known in manuscript, and adds an index of authors.  Generally similar to the BHL in conception and organization.  It is the source for John W. Nesbitt, "A Geographical and Chronological Guide to Greek Saint Lives."  Orientalia Christiana Periodica 35(2) (1969): 444-489, which attempts to arrange some of its data into geographical and chronological order. 


Siegmund, Albert. "Hagiographische Literatur."  In Die Überlieferung der griechischen christlichen Literatur in der lateinischen Kirche bis zum zwölften Jahrhundert.  Abhandlungen der Bayerischen Benediktiner-Akademie 5.  Munich:  Filser Verlag, 1949.  Pp. 195-277.  Utilizes the BHG and BHL to identify works that had been translated from Greek into Latin, which are grouped according to whether they appear to be early (through the sixth century), middle (seventh through mid ninth century), or late (mid ninth to the end of the eleventh).


Bibliotheca Hagiographica Orientalis [BHO].  Ed. Paul Peeters.  Subsidia Hagiographica 10.  Brussels:  Société des bollandistes, 1910. 


Bollandist Web Page.   This includes a list of "Essential Tools" published by the Bollandists which lists some refrences to hymns and texts.


 [Blatt, Franz].  Index Scriptorum Mediae Latinitatis ab Anno DCCC usque ad Annum MCC Qui Afferuntur in Novo Glossario ab Academiis Consociatis Iuris Publici Facto.  Second edition. Copenhagen:  Ejnar Munksgard, 1973.  This dictionary source list for Latin authors from 800-1200 is difficult to use for hagiographical projects because it is in alphabetical order by author, with only the anonymous texts listed under vita.  Nevertheless, its spreadsheet format makes it possible to skim through and create a list of major dated hagiographical works.  Some errors and duplications.


Niermeyer, J. F., and C. Van de Kieft.  Mediae Latinitatis Lexikon Minus: Abbreviationes et Index Fontium. Leiden:  E. J. Brill, 1976.  This dictionary source list contains a section on "Opera Hagiographica" (pp. 42-58), which includes not only anonymous works but also references to the known authors listed in an earlier index.


Vernet, Felix.  "Biographies spirituelles."  Dictionnaire de Spiritualité 1 (1937), cols. 1624-1719.   Lists major lives of saints, arranged by century  In the Later Middle Ages, as material becomes more abundant, subsections are devoted to saints of major religious orders.  Useful for gross analyses of hagiographical trends, although many of these important texts have subsequently received new editions.  Vernet's related piece on  "Autobiographies spirituelles." Dictionnaire de Spiritualité 1 (1937), cols. 1141-1159, is less pertinent to the genre studied here.


Mathisen, Ralph W.  "A Biographical Database of Individuals from the BHL."  A project begun in 1974, in its current phase from 1982 on, which lists 1292 saints' lives from Late Antiquity which appear in the BHL, organized under the saints themselves.  The names were entered in 1987 and do not include data from the Novum Supplementum.  This is one part of the "Biographical Database for Late Antiquity," a project directed by Mathisen (Dept. of History, University of Illinois).


Wood, Ian.  "Missionary Hagiography in the Eighth and Ninth Centuries."  Ethnogenese und Überlieferung:  Angewandte Methoden der Frühmittelalterforschung, ed. Karl Brunner and Brigitte Merta.  Verðffentlichungen des Instituts für Österreichische Geschichtsforschung 31.  Vienna:  R. Oldenburg, 1994.  Pp. 189-99.


Heene, Katrien.  "Female Saints and Their Lives:  The Geographical Distribution of the Carolingian Vitae Feminarum."  In  Aevum inter Utrumque:  Mélanges offerts à Gabriel Sanders, professeur émérite à l'Université de Gand.  Instrumenta Patristica 23.  The Hague:  Nijhoff International, 1991.  Pp. 205-26.  From dissertation research, she lists 31 Carolingian  lives of female saints, located from "the  Bibliotheca Sanctorum and some more recent studies" (p. 222).


            Zoepf, Ludwig.  Das Heiligen-Leben im 10. Jahrhundert.  Beiträge zur Kulturgeschichte des Mittelalters und der Renaissance 1.  Leipzig: B. G. Teubner, 1908.  Pp. 240-45.  Lists 106 early medieval saints whose lives were written in the tenth century, and indicates the editions (assumes a distinction between hagiography and biography that may not be sustainable).


Brakel, Cyriakus Heinrich. "Die vom Reformpapsttum geförderten Heiligenkulte." Studi gregoriani 9 (1972), 241-311.  Brilliant beginning, which remains unfinished beyond the reign of Urban II because Brakel died in a traffic accident.  Although he was more interested in cults than in literary texts, his notes permit the identification of associated miracula, translationes, and vitae. 


Kirsch, Wolfgang. Laudes Sanctorum: Geschichte der hagiographischen Versepik vom IV. bis X. Jahrhundert. 2 vols. Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters 14. Stuttgart : Hiersemann, 2004 and 2011.

            Tilliette, Jean-Yves. "Les modèles de sainteté du IXe au XIe siècle, d'après le témoignage des récits hagiographiques en vers métriques."  In Santi e demoni nell'alto medioevo occidentale (secoli V-XI), 7-13 aprile 1988.  2 vols.  Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo 36.  Spoleto:  CISAM, 1989.  In 1:381-409, esp. 387, he claims to have located more than 70 versified lives written between 800 and 1100, a list assembled from the BHL and various source collections and reviews, but he does not publish his list.


Golinelli, Paolo. "Negotiosus in Causa Ecclesiae:  Santi e santità nello scontro tra impero e papato da Gregorio VII ad Urbano II," In Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIe-XIIIe siècle):  Actes du Colloque organisé par l'École française de Rome avec le concours de l'Universit‚ de Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, 27-29 octobre 1988, Collection de l'École française de Rome 149 (Rome: l'ÉFR, 1991), pp. 259-84.  Considers 37 saints who died between 1073 and 1099, a list drawn from the chronological indices of the Acta Sanctorum and from the "sixth Benedictine century" materials collected in the Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti (references described below).


            Ghellinck, Joseph de.  L'Essor de la littérature latine au XIIe  siècle. 2nd ed.  Museum Lessianum--Section historique, nos. 4-5.  Brussels:  Desclée de Brouwer, 1955.  A section on "Hagiographie" (pp. 388-422) lists the most literarily memorable Latin lives of the twelfth century.


Ross, Leslie.  Text, Image, Message:  Saints in Medieval Manuscript Illustrations.  Contributions to the Study of Art and Architecture 3.  Westport, CT:  Greenwood Press, 1994.  Pp. 39-63, devoted to "Illustrated Biography:   Libelli Manuscripts," list the "most significant" illustrated manuscripts primarily devoted to single saints.


Abou-El-Haj, Barbara.  The Medieval Cult of Saints: Formations and Transformations.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1994.  Pp. 148-55, "Appendix 3:  Chronology and Synopses of Pictorial Hagiographies," list about thirty surviving series of hagiographical scenes, generally six or more images, which are associated with or related to vitae.





Bibliotheca Sanctorum
.  Rome: Istituto Giovanni XXIII della Pontificia Università Lateranense, 1960-1970. 12 vols. plus an index volume.  Contains more than 20,000 articles in Italian on saints and other celebrated holy persons, listed alphabetically with BHL refs, editions, and bibliography. The articles vary wildly in quality and sophistication.  Readers unfamiliar with Italian names should use the index, which cross-references the name forms used in other major Western languages.

    Vol. 14 (Rome:  Città Nuova Editrice, 1987) is an appendix which remedies some omissions but which is largely devoted to current canonization processes.   


            Holweck, Frederick George.  A Biographical Dictionary of the Saints:  With a General Introduction on Hagiology.  London:  B. Herder Book Co., 1924.  Alphabetically arranged short biographical listing of ca. 7000 saints, with abbreviated indications of the calendars, dictionaries, etc. used, from which the narrative sources can sometimes be located.


Butler, Alban (1710-73).  Lives of the Saints, ed. Herbert Thurston and Donald Attwater. 12 vols. New York:  P. J. Kennedy & Sons, 1926-38.  Supplementary volume issued by Attwater in 1949.  A four-volume version produced by Attwater in 1956 is further corrected, but even more abbreviated.  Butler's original descriptions of more than 1600 saints, published 1756-59, were drastically revised by Thurston and Attwater, who chopped out much devotional prose and added modern scholarly references.  The editing slanted the work toward Thurston's interests, particularly mysticism. 


Zimmermann, Alfons. Kalendarium Benedictinum: Die Heiligen und  Seligen des Benediktinerordens und seine Zweige.  4 vols. Vienna:  Herder, 1933-38. Saints arranged in calendrical order, with some bibliography. Includes, among other things, lists of dictionaries of individual religious congregations (1v-xxiii).


[Benedictines of Paris, directed by Jules Baudot, Yves Chaussin, Paul Antin, and Jacques Dubois]. Vies des saints et des bienheureux, selon l'order du calendier, avec l'historique des fêtes.  13 vols.  Paris:  Librairie Letouzey et An‚, 1935-59.  Treats the saints according to the calendrical order of their feasts, with one volume for each month and an index volume. Bibliographies follow each article, but for the final months, after a change of editors, these became fuller.


Il grande libro dei santi: Dizionario enciclopedico. Edited by Claudio Leonardi, Andrea Riccardi, and Gabreilla Zarri. 3 vols. Turin: Edizioni San Paolo, 1998. Second edition of  2002 not seen. Contains about 1000 biographies written by scholarly contributors, arranged in chronologically ordered volumes, with the years 200-1300,ed. Leonardi, 1300-1800 ed. Riccardi, 1800 to the present ed. Zarri.


Bunson, Matthew, Margaret Bunson, and Stephen Bunson. Our Sunday Visitor's Encyclopedia of Saints, rev. Huntington IN: Our Sunday Visitor Publishing Division, 2003.  A huge one-volume encyclopedia of saints written for the general public rather than a scholarly audience.


Delooz, Pierre.  Sociologie et Canonisations.  Collection scientifique de la Faculté de droit de l'Université de Liège 30.  Liège:  Facultè de Droit, 1969.  Includes a list of 128 early papal canonizations, and the bibliographical sources behind it (pp. 129-31, 440-46).  Also several other lists, based on a variety of sources.  The texts underlying these names can only be retrieved by searching through the general sources.


Farmer, David Hugh.  The Oxford Dictionary of Saints. 5th ed. rev. Oxford:  Clarendon, 2011.  Articles on all English saints, on the "most important and representative saints" of the Celtic U.K., on "all saints of whom there is or was a notable cult in England," and on miscellaneous others too important to omit.   Bibliographies include editions of lives. Farmer's first version treated 435 saints; the fifth includes more than 1400.  "There is nothing better as a first instrument of reference in a manageable volume."—Robert Godding, Analecta. Bollandiana 121 (2003): 442.

            Ó Riain, Pá
daig. A Dictionary of Irish Saints. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2011.


            Riché, Pierre.  "Les carolingiens en quête de sainteté."  In Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIe-XIIIe siècle):  Actes du Colloque organisé par l'École française de Rome avec le concours de l'Université de Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, 27-29 octobre 1988, Collection de l'École française de Rome, 149 (Rome: ÉFR, 1991), pp. 217-24.  A list of Carolingian saints, most distinguished for the lacunae it reveals, in that except for several late cults, there are only a few missionary saints, no sainted kings, queens, great bishops, or abbots.


Goodich, Michael.   Vita Perfecta:  The Ideal of Sainthood in the Thirteenth Century.  Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 25.  Stuttgart: Anton Hiersemann, 1982.  Lists 518 saints who lived between 1215 and 1296, for whom cults had developed within 50 years of their deaths.  Includes information on gender, age, religious order, type of sanctity, source of information, etc.  Be careful to note how the categories are defined. Some inaccuracies.


Graus, František, André Vauchez, et al.  Histoire des saints et de la sainteté chrétienne.  11 vols.  Paris:  Hachette, 1986-88.  About 400 separate articles presented in topical groups in chronological order. Bibliographies at the end of each volume.

           Weinstein, Donald and Rudolph M. Bell. Saints and Society: The Two Worlds of Western Christendom, 1000-1700.  Chicago:  University of Chicago Press, 1982.  Uses a sample of 864 saints, largely derived from Delooz, Sociologie et canonisations.  Its own "Appendix on Sources" is too sketchy to use.  Contains 18 statistical tables, constructed with more sophistication than is usual in medieval studies.  Note the caveat in Howe, Catholic Historical Review 70 (1984): 77-79.




Clavis Patrum Latinorum, ed. Eligius Dekkers.  3rd edition.  Corpus Christianorum Series Latina.  Turnhout:  Brepols, 1995.  Treats Latin patristic writing, century by century, placing hagiographic works of known authorship under their authors and grouping anonymous works by century.  The 2nd ed. (1961) was cross-indexed in the BHL Novum Supplementum (pp. 905-12); the 3rd is now indexed to the  BHL and the BHG in its appendices (pp. 888-93).  The text numbers as updated in this 3rd edition are keys for searches in the electronic CETEDOC Library of Latin Christian texts.


            L'année philologique.  86- vols. (1928-). The standard index to scholarly work on ancient Greece and Rome, an annual serial bibliography available both in print and in electronic subscription (through EBSCO).  Because Christian literary culture entered the Classical world relatively late, hagiography is covered here in an unexpected way---it is not found under literary genres or cults or religious practices, but shows up instead in Part I: "Auteurs et textes," under the listing "Vitae sanctorum et martyrum."  Here editions are listed first, followed by studies on ancient hagiogaphical texts.


            Medioevo Latino. 35- vols. Spoleto: Centro italiano di studi sull alto Medioevo, 1980-. An annual serial bibliography inventorying each year's scholarship on medieval Latin literature.  Part 3: "Argomenti, Genere letterari, Istituzioni," contains a section on "Forme e generi in testi" that includes an annual section on "agiografia"--not a list of texts but a listing of scholarship on hagiographical texts during the year in question.

           Revue d'histoire ecclésiastique. 110- vols. (1900-). This journal published by the Université catholique de Louvain contains an annual serial bibliography on the Christian Church broadly defined.  Its organization is a little cumbersome: it separates the Church of the ancient world from the Church of the Middle Ages (ca. 500-ca.1500); within those divisions it treats saints separately from their texts.  For annual updates on the scholarship related to medieval vitae, see 4.7.1. "Vies des saints" which opens section 4.7 "Hagiographie, spiritualité et mystics."

Manitius, Max.  Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters.  3 vols.  Handbuch der klassischen Altertumswissenschaft 9(2).  Munich: G. H. Beck, 1911-31.  Not yet superseded, despite many deficiencies.  Extensive bibliography.


Berschin, Walter. Biographie und Epochenstil im lateinischen Mittelalter.  5- vols.  Quellen und Untersuchungen zur lateinischen Philologie des Mittelalters. 8-10, 12, 15.  Stuttgart:  Anton Hiersemann Verlag, 1986-.  Appendices for each volume list "Biographien in Gruppen," offering chronologically ordered groups of types of texts and listing the editions used.  The detail and care prompted a Bollandist to observe that "il pourrait rangé à coté de nos Subsidia  Hagiographica" (Anal. Boll. 107 [1989], 443).  

           Brunhölzl, Franz. Geschichte der lateinischen Literatur des Mittelalters.  2- vols.  Munich: Wilhelm Fink Verlag, 1975-.  Transl. as Histoire de la littérature latine du moyen âge, by Henri Rochais; with bibliographic additions by Jean-Paul Bouhot (Louvain:  Brepols, 1990-). 

            Bak, János M., and Ivan Jurković, eds. Chronicon: Medieval Narrative Sources: A Chronological Guide with Introductory Essays. Turnhout: Brepols, 2013. Contains "only a selection from the vast treasury of hagiography" (p. 142), texts presumably chosen because of their significant narrative content.

           BISLAM. Bibliotheca Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Recentiorisque Aevi. Repertory of Medieval and Renaissance Latin authors…Onomastic and Literary Census of Latin Authors. Identification, Classification by Literary Genre, and General Bibliography, ed Roberto Gamberini. 2 vols. Florence: SISMEL—Edizioni del Galuzzo, 2010.

           CALMA: Compendium Auctorum Latinorum Medii Aevi (500-1500), founded by Michael Lapidge and Claudio Leonardi, now edited by Lapidge and Francesco Santi.  5- vols. Florence: SISMEL- Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2002-. Attempts to provide a comprehensive bibliography of medieval and Renaissance authors whose works fall between 500 and 1500.

            Repertorium Fontium Historiae Medii Aevi Primum ab Augusto Potthast Digestum, Nunc Cura Collegii Historicorum e Pluribus Nationibus Emendatum at Auctum [the "new Potthast"]. 11 vols.  Rome: Istituto storico italiano per il medio evo, 1962-2006. The first volume lists source collections; subsequent volumes are alphabetically arranged treatments of medieval authors and sources.

            Clavis des auteurs latins du Moyen Age. Territoire français, 735-987. Edited by Marie-Hélène et Françoise Perelman. 3- vols. Corpus Christianorum. Continuatio Mediaevalis. Turnholt: Brepols, 1994-.

            Clavis Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Aevi: Auctores Italiae, 700-1000. Edited by Benedetta Valtorta. Florence: SISMEL, Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2006.

Baxter, James Houston, Charles Johnson, and James F. Willard.  "An Index of British and Irish Latin Writers, 400-1520." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi [Bulletin du Cange] 7 (1932): 110-219.  Rpt. as An Index of British and  Irish Latin Writers, 400-1520, in Burt Franklin Bibliography and Reference Series 443, Essays on Literature and Criticism 174.  New York:  Burt Franklin, 1971.


Bolton, Whitney French. A History of Anglo-Latin Literature, 597-1066.  1- vols.  Princeton, N.J.:  Princeton University Press, 1967.  Only vol. 1, which reaches to 740. seems to have actually appeared. Bolton intended to provide students of Old English with "a guide to the Latin literature which existed alongside the vernacular" and sought to describe "the primary materials," hoping "to have included them all" (p. v). Unfortunately he did not get much further than the age of Bede.

           Rigg, A. G. A History of Anglo-Latin Literature 1066-1422. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1992. Proceeds chronologically, treating hagiographical writings without separating them out.

          Sharpe, Richard. A Handlist of the Latin Writers of Great Britain and Ireland before 1540. Publications of the Journal of Medieval Latin 1.  1997, rev. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001. A handlist of authors and works, including manuscript information when necessary. Treats more than 2000 writers and 5200 works. Not structured as a good first reference for locating vitae, but a good way to invesitigate known sources.

            Clavis Patrum Graecorum, edited by Maurice Geerard. 5 vols. Turnhout:  Brepols, 1974-83.  Treats Greek patristic writings, century by century, placing hagiographical works of known authorship under their authors and grouping anonymous works by century.  Excellent listing of editions and evaluation of authorship and authenticity.  It has been cross-indexed in the BHL Novum Supplementum (pp. 913-14).


            Krumbacher, Karl. Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur von Justinian bis zum Ende des oströmischen Reiches (527-1453), 2nd ed.  Munich: C. H. Beck, 1897.  Rpt. as Burt Franklin Bibliography and Reference Series sect. 13; Byzantine Series 27 (New York: Burt Franklin, 1958).  Includes an overview of hagiographers and hagiographic work (pp. 176-205).

            Beck, Hans-Georg. Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich. Handbuch der Altertumswissenschaft 12. Abteilung.  Byzantinisches Handbuch im Rahmen des Handbuchs der Altertumswissenschaft 2(1).  Munich:  C. H. Beck, 1959. Esp. pp. 402-13, 459-67, 506-14, 557-83.

            Erhard, Albert. Überlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen  und homiletischen Literatur der grieschischen Kirche von den Anfängen bis zum Ende des 16. Jahrhunderts. 3 vols.  Leipzig: J. C. Hinrichs Verlag, 1937-52.  This work is contextualized in Friedhelm Winkelmann, Albert Ehrhard und die Erforschung der grieschisch-byzantinischen Hagiographie. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 3. Berlin: Akademie-Verlag, 1971.  

           R. W. Thomson. Bibliography of Classical Armenian Literature to 1500 AD. Turnhout: Brepols, 1995.








Stanier, A.  "Oeuvres hagiographiques, VIIe siècle,"  "Oeuvres hagiographiques, VIIe - VIIIe siècle," "Oeuvres hagiographiques, VIIIe siècle," "Oeuvres hagiographiques, VIIIe - IXe siècle," "Oeuvres hagiographiques, IXe siècle," "Oeuvres hagiographiques, IXe-Xe siècle," "Oeuvres hagiographiques, Xe siècle."   Index Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi.  Premiere partie:  VIIe-Xe siècles, ed. Paul Tombeur and Léopold Genicot.  Brussels:  Académie Royale de Belgique Comité national du Dictionnaire du latin médiéval, 1973.  Full references with text information, BHL no., word count, editions, and dating. The vocabulary of all the material listed here is tabulated in Thesaurus Linguae Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi.  Première partie:  Le vocabulaire des origines à l'an mil,  ed. by Tombeur.  5 vols.  Brussels:  Ibid. 1986.


            Fransen, Paul-Irénée, and H. Maraite. "Oeuvres hagiographiques,  Xe - XIe siècle,"  "Oeuvres hagiographiques, XIe siècle."  Index Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi.  Deuxième partie:  XIe  siècle, ed. Paul Tombeur and Léopold Genicot.  Brussels:  Académie Royale de Belgique Comité national du Dictionnaire du latin médiéval, 1976.  On content see Stanier above.  Rather surprisingly, almost no texts of this large hagiographical sample refer to contemporary saints.


McCormick, Michael, with Fransen. "Oeuvres hagiographiques, XIIe siècle?"  "Oeuvres hagiographiques, XIIe siècle,"  Index Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi.  Troisième partie:  XIIe  siècle. Ed. Paul Tombeur and Léopold Genicot.  Brussels:  Académie Royale de Belgique Comité national du Dictionnaire du latin mdieval, 1977.  On content see Stanier above.


            Van Der Essen, Léon.  Étude critique et littéraire sur les vitae des saints mérovingiens de l'ancienne Belgique.  Université de Louvain Recueil de travaux publiés par les membres des Conférences d'histoire et de philologie 17.  Louvain: Université de Louvain, 1907.   Lists saints of Belgium by diocese for the sixth, seventh, and eighth centuries, and analyzes their complicated, interrelated hagiographical sources.  A table on pp. xiii-xv lists saints by century.  The concluding "Table alphabétique des saints" is imperfect (it omits at least Bertuinus and Landelinus). 


de Gaiffier, Baudouin.  "L'hagiographie dans le Marquisat de Flandre et le Duché de Basse Lotharingie au XIe siècle."   Thèse, École des Chartes, 1925.  Bits and pieces of this dissertation have been published, as indicated in de Gaiffier's  Études critiques d'hagiographie et d'iconologie, Subsidia Hagiographica 43 (Brussells:  Société des Bollandistes, 1967), pp. 5-6, which also contains a large section of it (pp. 415-507).  The original work analyzed eleventh-century hagiographical production in Flanders and its neighborhood, diocese by diocese.


             Carasso-Kok, Marijke. "Le diocese d'Utrecht, 900-1200." In Hagiographies 2:373-411.


 Dierkens, Alain.  "La production hagiographique à Lobbes au Xe siècle."  Revue bénédictine 93 (1983): 245-59.


Defries, David. "Constructing the Past in Eleventh-century Flanders: Hagiography at Saint-Winnoc" (Phd Diss, The Ohio State University, 2004)!etd.send_file?accession=osu1095712760&disposition=inline.  Pp. 26-27 list the hagiography of Bergues _saint-Winnoc, 3 vitae and otehr pieces relaetdto three early medival patrons.


 Baix, F.  "L'hagiographie à Stavelot-Malmédy." Revue bénédictine 60 (1950): 120-62.

            Arnold, Ellen F.  Negotiating the Landscape: Environment and Monastic Identity in the Medieval Ardennes. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2013. Stavelot-Malmedy's local landscape, the upper valley of the Meuse, produced a post-Viking flurry of sources, that includes 7 vitae, 2 miracula, 2 translationes, and some letters and annals identified in a "Handlist of Sources" (pp. 223-25).


            Coens, Maurice.  "Les saints particulièrement honorés à l'abbaye de Saint-Trond."  Analecta Bollandiana 72 (1954): 85-133, 397-426.


Delaissé, Éric.  “Des saints et bienheureux à Villers-en-Brabant: Une politique de l’abbaye?” In Saints et sainteté en Roman Pays: Cultes d’hier et d’aujourd’hui, ed Morgane Belin. Wavre: Comité d’histoire religieuse du Brabant wallon, 2012. Pp. 35-54. Finds 72 twelfth- and thirteenth-century religious who were considered blessed by their establishments, 8 commemorated in vitae he identifies and analyzes

Helvétius, Anne-Marie. Abbayes, évêques et laïques: Une politique du pouvoir en Hainaut au moyen âge (VIIe-XIe siècle). Brussels: Crédit communal, 1994.

            Webb, J. R. "Hagiography in the Diocese of Liège (950-1130)." In Hagiographies 6:809-904. Discusses nearly 100 texts.


Roisin, Simone.   L'Hagiographie cistercienne dans le Diocèse de Liège au XIIIe siècle.  Université de Louvain Recueil de travaux d'histoire et de philologie, 3rd ser., 27.  Louvain:  Bibliothèque de l'Université 1947.  A dossier of twenty pieces, linked to particular monastic establishments (pp. 23-73).


 Mériaux, Charles. Gallia Irradiata. See II.C. below, under northern France. 





Klaniczay, Gábor. Holy Rulers and Blessed Princesses: Dynastic Cults in Medieval Central Europe. Translated by Éva Pálmai.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2002. Includes an appendix on the "Hagiography of Hungarian Dynastic Saints" (pp. 412-28), analyzing the dossiers of five saints commemorated in more than a dozen lives (two dossiers include processus documents). Also included are multiple geneaological tables (pp. 429-44).

            Belmarić, Josko, Bratislav Lučin, Marko Trogrlić, and Josip Vrandečić, eds.  Splitska hagiografska baština: povijest, legenda, tekst. Biblioteka Knjiga Mediterana 76. Split: Književni krug- Filozofski fakultet Sveučilšta, 2014. Papers from a 2011 Croatian conference that offer a  rough overview of Split hagiographical activity:  although pp. 371-80 list all Split celestial patrons and 395-413 offer a list of martyrs through the twelfth century, this book does not contain a systematic list of lives.


Petrović, Ivanka. "L'hagiographie, latine et vernaculaire, de l'éspace croate, des origines à 1350. In Hagiographies 4: 183-73. Miscellaneous traditions in multiple languages.


Macartney, Carlile.  The Medieval Hungarian Historians:  A Critical and Analytical Guide.  Cambridge:  Cambridge University Press, 1963.  Includes hagiographical sources.


             Klaniczay, Gábor, and Edit Madas, "La Hongrie." In Hagiographies 2:103-160.


             Klaniczay, Gábor.  "From Sacral Kingship to Self-Representation.  Hungarian and European Royal Saints in the 11th-13th Centuries."  In Continuity and Change:  Political Institutions and Literary Monuments in the Middle Ages: A Symposium.  Odense:  Odense University Press, 1986.  Pp. 61-86.  No systematic text list, but concisely surveys cases and trends providing the context for the Hungarian tradition of royal saints. 

            Dunin-Wasowicz, Teresa,. "Hagiographie polonaise entre XIe et XVIsiècle." In Hagiographies 3:179-202.


            Gustawa, O. Romualda, ed.   Hagiografia Polska:  Slownik Bio-Bibliograficzny.  2 vols.  Poznan':  Ksiegarnia s'w. Wojciecha, 1971-72.  Long articles with substantial bibliographies on 100 saints associated with Poland.  Description in Analecta Bollandiana 93 (1975): 177-81.


Lundre, Ingunn.  "Slavic Hagiography." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:369-84, primary sources listed 1:2379-82.






Lot, Ferdinand, et al. "Index Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Gallicorum Medii Aevi (500-1000)." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi (Bulletin Du Cange) 14 (1939): 113-230, with pp. 180-230 devoted to hagiographical works. Supplemented by "Additions et corrections aux Indices Scriptorum Operumque." Ibid. 20 (1950): 5-64. The extent of the corrections indicates the problems involved. 


Lot, Ferdinand, et al. "Index Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Gallicorum Medii Aevi Saec. XI (1000-1108)." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi 16 (1942): 5-59.  Many of the hagiographical texts are in their own "Vitae, Passiones, Miracula, Translationes Sanctorum Galliae Necnon Alia Opera Hagiographica Saec. XI in Gallia Exarata." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi (Bulletin Du Cange) 17 (1943): 5-37; with corrections by André Boutemy, Ibid., 37-40.  See Lot, above. 


Sources hagiographiques de la Gaule (SHG). An initiative sponsored by the German Institute in Paris, still in progress, to redo Lot's early medieval hagiographical inventory in a more complete, systematic, and detailed fashion.   For an initial description, see Martin Heinzelmann, Joseph-Claude Poulin, and Franois Dolbeau. "Les sources hagiographiques narratives composées en Gaule avant l'an mil (SHG). Inventaire, examen critique, datation." Francia 15(1987): 701-31. The plan is to produce regional hagiorgaphical studies of all French hagiography prior to the year 1000, publishing these first as stand-alone articles, and then, after criticism, combined into regional volumes.  About a dozen SHG  articles have appeared, and one book (Joseph-Claude Poulin, L'hagiographie bretonne: see Brittany below).


Bautier, Robert-Henri. “L’historiographie en France aux Xe et XIe siècles (France du Nord et de l’Est).” In La storiografia altomedievale, 10-16 aprile 1969. 2 vols. Centro italiano di studi sull'alto medievo Settimane di studio 17. Spoleto: CISAM, 1970. 2:793-855, esp. 822-37 (“Les biographies individuelle”) and 837-47 (“La littérature hagiographique”).



Duchesne, Louis. Fastes épiscopaux de l'ancienne Gaule.  3 vols. Paris: Albert Fontemoing, 1894-1915.  This almost definitive study of early rosters of French bishops analyzes the hagiographical sources for those commemorated as saints.


Leclercq, Henri. "Légendes apostoliques" / "Légendes gallicanes."   Dictionnaire d'archéologie chrétienne et de Liturgie.  11 vols.  Paris:  Letouzey et Ané, 1907-53.  7:2309-2323 and 2357-2440.    

             Sot, Michel “La Rome antique dans l’hagiographie épiscopale en Gaule.” In Roma antica nel Medioevo: mito, rappresentazioni, sopravvivenze nella 'Respublica Christiana' dei secoli IX-XIII, atti della quattordicesima Settimana internazionale di studio, Mendola, 24-28 agosto 1998. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2001. Pp. 163–68, esp. 173–86

Beaujard, Brigitte. Le culte des saints en Gaule: Les premiers temps: D'Hilaire de Poitiers à la fin du VIe siècle. Paris: Cerf, 2000, approaches the study of early saints in Gaul by disregarding all saints and martyrs who are not attested in written evidence from prior to 600, a procedure that leaves only 2 cults prior to 397 and only about 70 overall.  Includes a "tableaux" of dates (pp. 515-30).



Monumenta Germaniae Historica Scriptores Rerum Merovingicarum, ed. Bruno Krusch and Wilhelm Levison. 7 vols. in 8.   Hannover:  Hahn, 1885-1920.  These are source editions, not lists (although vol. 7 has appended an unparalleled list of legendaries). Nevertheless, they can be used to gain an overview of more historically-oriented Merovingian hagiography. Marred by editorial cuts and omissions that resulted from a positivistic, hypercritical editorial orientation.


Heuclin, Jean. Aux Origines monastiques de la Gaule du Nord: ermites et reclus du Ve au XIe siècle. Lille:  Presses universitaires de Lille, 1988. The bibliography lists sources (not always the most recent) for approximately 300 hermit lives.

Bernoulli, C. A. Die Heiligen der Merowinger. Tübingen: Mohr, 1900. 


Heinzelmann, Martin. "L'hagiographie mérovingienne: panorama des documents potentiels." In L'Hagiographie mérovingienne à travers ses réécritures, ed. Monique Goullet, Heinzelmann, and Christiana Veyrard-Cosme. Beihefte der Francia 71. Pp. 27-82. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke, 2010. Heinzelmann attempts to present a "panorama" of texts before the Carolingian age by dividing his material into various categories: first  martyrs; then confessors; then bishops; then monks; then holy women. He includes a discussion of earlier lists of Merovingian lives (pp. 27-31).  He claims that there is a text of some sort for 509 saints from 501-751 (p. 31).


Godding Robert. Prêtres en Gaule mérovingienne. Brussels: Bollandistes, 2001.  Pp. xx-xxix list and annotate 96 vitae and passiones from 481-714.


Réal, Isabelle. Vies de saints, vie de famille: Représentation et système de la parenté dans le Royaume mérovingien (481-751) d'après les sources hagiographiques. Hagiologia 2. Turnhout: Brepols, 2001. Outside of Gregory of Tours, her Merovingian corpus concerns 94 saints (14 women), of whom 53% were bishops, 38% abbots (see esp. pp. 39, 46-55).


Heinzelmann, Martin. "Studia Sanctorum:  Éducation, milieux d'instruction et valeurs éducatives dans l'hagiographie en Gaule jusqu'à la fin de l'époque mérovingienne."  Haut moyen-age, culture, éducation et société:  Études offertes à Pierre Riché, ed. Michel Sot. La Garenne-Colombes: Éditions Européenes Erasme, 1990. Pp. 105-38.  He works with 105 lives written from the late fourth to the mid eighth century, 73 of which offer some hint about a saint's education.



Lobineau, Guy-Alexis [d. 1727]. Les Vies des saints de Bretagne et des personnes d'une éminente piété, ed. Abbé Tresvaux. 4 vols. Paris:  Méquignon Junior, 1836-37.  Lives of Breton saints and other pious people, arranged in chonological order according to their death dates, prefixed by an indication of sources.


Duine, Francois. Sources hagiographiques de l'histoire de Bretagne.  Rennes:  L. Bahon-Bault, Éditeur, 1918.  Analyzes the sources for Breton saints from the fifth to the tenth centuries.  Note that, despite the impression of precision Duine sometimes gives, these materials are so tenuously dated that Lapidge and Sharpe (cited below) abandoned any attempt at arranging them in chronological order and simply listed them alphabetically.


Merdrignac, Bernard. Recherches sur l'hagiographie armoricaine du VIIeme au XVeme siècle. 2 vols. Alet: Centre régionale archéologique, 1985-86. A survey of many aspects of Breton hagiographical tradition, which includes a list of saints' lives, editions, and BHL nos. (2:3-7).


Kerlouégan, François. "Les Vies de saints bretons les plus anciennes dans leurs rapports avec les Iles Britanniques." In Insular Latin Studies: Papers on Latin Texts and Manuscripts of the British Isles: 550-1066, ed. Michael W. Herren. Papers in Mediaeval Studies 1.  Toronto:  Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1981. Pp. 195-213.  Based on the earliest lives written in Brittany, a sample of fourteen texts taken from Duine.


Poulin, Joseph-Claude. L' hagiographie bretonne du haut Moyen Âge: Répertoire raisonné. Beihefte der Francia 69.  Ostfildern: J. Thorbecke, 2009. 14 saints who had narrative treatments beore the year 1000; and 34 others with  ‘brief notices.” All these sainst are men; the sample includes almost no native separate miracula. This work subsumes a number of meticulous SHG studies.


Lapidge, Michael and Richard Sharpe. A Bibliography of Celtic-Latin Literature, 400-1200.  Dublin:  Royal Irish Academy, 1985.  Pp. 223-77.  Breton lives and other texts, presented with bibliography in chronological and topical order. On this work, see II.J. below.



Baedorf, Balthasar. Untersuchungen über Heiligenleben der westlichen Normandie (der Diözesen Avranches, Coutances, Bayeux und Séez). Bonn: Carl Georgi, Universitäts-Buschdruckerei und Verlag, 1913.  Dissertation analyzing the traditions of two dozen western Norman saints.            


Lifshitz, Felice. The Norman Conquest of Pious Neustria: Historiographic Discourse and Saintly Relics, 684-1090. Studies and Texts 122.  Toronto:  Pontifical Institute of Mediaeval Studies, 1995. Creative and opinionated treatments of the hagiographic evidence.


Howe, John. "The Hagiography of Jumièges (Province of Haute-Normandie) (SHG VII)." In L'hagiographie du haut moyen âge en Gaule du Nord: manuscrits, textes et centres de production, ed. Martin Heinzelmann. Beihefte der Francia 52. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2001. Pp. 91-125.

            Howe, John. "The Hagiography of Saint-Wandrille (Province of Haute-Normandie) (SHG VIII)." In L'hagiographie du haut moyen âge en Gaule du Nord: manuscrits, textes et centres de production, ed Martin Heinzelmann. Beihefte der Francia 52. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2001. Pp. 127-92.

            Vaughn, Sally. The Abbey of Bec and the Anglo-Norman State. Woodbridge, Suffolk: The Boydell Press, 1981. Translates a half dozen short biographies and tracts produced at Bec ca. 1136-50, texts that fall somewhere between vitae and gesta.

Pigeon, Michel. "Les Femmes dans les vitae des saints de Savigny."   Cîteaux 35 (1984): 73-83.  Lists eight saints associated with the monastery of Savigny (Normandy), four of whom have vitae (p. 73).


Northern France: 

       Heuclin, Jean. Aux Origines monastiques de la Gaule du Nord: Ermites et reclus du Ve au XIe siècle. Lille:  Presses universitaires de Lille, 1988. The bibliography lists sources (not always the most recent) for approximately 300 hermit lives.


Van't Spijker, Ienje. Als door een speciaal stempel:  Traditie   en vernieuwing in heiligenslevens uit Noordwest-Frankrijk (1050-1150.  Middeleeuwse studies en bronnen 23.  Hilversum: Verloren, 1990.  Lists and describes thirty-one lives (of twenty-one saints) written north of the Loire--especially from the regions of Picardy, Anjou, and Paris--between 1050 and 1150 (esp. pp. 8-9, 172-76).  Includes information on earlier versions of these texts.  Somewhat arbitrary selections of texts and parameters.


             Van't Spijker, Ineke. "Gallia du Nord et de l'Ouest: Les provinces ecclésiastiques de Tours, Rouen, Reims (950-1130)." In Hagiographies 2:239-90.

             Mériaux, Charles. Gallia Irradiata: Saints et sanctuaires dans le nord de la Gaule du haut Moyen Âge. Beiträge zur Hagiographie 4. Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 2006.  Examines the process of Christianization in the medieval dioceses of Thérouanne, Tournai, and Cambrai/Arras. Examines major hagiographical dossiers in an appendix, pp. 345-372; lists other relevant pieces in the bibliography, pp. 375-76.


           Galliard, Michèle. "De l'Eigenkloster au monastère royal: L'Abbaye Saint-Jean de Laon, du milieiu du VIIe siècle au milieu du VIIIe siècle  à travers les sources hagiographiques."   In L'hagiographie du haut moyen âge en Gaule du Nord: Manuscrits, textes et centres de production, ed. Martin Heinzelmann. Beihefte der Francia 52. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2001. Pp.249-62.

Central France:
            Poncelet, Albert. "Les saints de Micy." Analecta Bollandiana 24 (1905): 5-104.  Amended slightly in Walter Goffart, The Le Mans Forgeries:  A Chapter from the History of Church Property in the Ninth Century. Harvard Historical Studies 76.  Cambridge:  Harvard University Press, 1966. Pp. 327-50.

             Head, Thomas. Hagiography and the Cult of Saints: The Diocese of Orléans, 800-1200.  Cambridge Studies in Medieval Life and Thought, 4th ser., 14.  Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1990.

            Head, Thomas. "The Diocese of Orléans, 950-1150."  In Hagiographies 1: 345-57. Offers a concise "Inventory of Hagiographic Works," pp. 345-48.

           Zinzius, Heinrich. "Untersuchungen über Heiligenleben der Diözese Besançon." Zeitschrift für Kirchengeschichte 46 (1928): 380-95. Well documented source analyses of more than two dozen saints, arranged by type.

Eastern France:
            Iogna-Prat, Dominique. "Panorama de l'hagiographie abbatiale clunisienne (v. 940- v. 1140)."  In Manuscrits hagiographiques et travail des hagiographes, ed. Martin Heinzelmann.  Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 1992. Pp. 77-118.  Presents the dossiers of Cluniac abbots Odo, Maiolus, Odilo, and Hugh.

Philippart, Guy. "Le saint comme parure de Dieu, héros séducteur et patron terrestre d'après les hagiographes lotharingiens du Xe siècle,"  In Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIe-XIIIe siècle):  Actes du Colloque organisé par l'École française de Rome avec le concours de l'Université de Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, 27-29 octobre 1988. Collection de l'ÉFR 149 (Rome: ÉFR, 1991), pp. 123-42. Based upon a sample of 35 tenth-century prose hagiographic texts from the Lorraine, drawn ultimately from the Thesaurus Linguae Scriptorum Operumque Latino-Belgicorum Medii Aevi (see above).


            Goullet, Monique.  "Les saints du diocèse de Toul (SHG VI)."  In L'hagiographie du haut moyen âge en Gaule du Nord: manuscrits, textes et centres de production, ed. Martin Heinzelmann. Beihefte der Francia 52. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2001. Pp.. 11-89.


Clauss, Joseph M. B. Die Heiligen des Elsass in ihrem Leben, ihrer Verehrung und ihrer Darstellung in der Kunst.  Forschungen zur Volkskunde 18-19.   Düsseldorf: Drück und Verlag von L. Schwann, 1935.  69 Alsatian saints; 14 others associated with the region; and 11 Roman martyrs whose relics are honored there.  Source discussions appended, pp. 183-249.                       


Philippart, Guy, and Anne Wagner. "Hagiographie Lorraine (950-1130): Les dioceses de Metz, Toul et Verdun." In Hagiographies 4: 585-744. Discusses nearly 100 texts, including 45 vitae.


Southern France:

Poulin, Joseph-Claude. L'Idéal de sainteté dans l'Aquitaine Carolingienne d'après les sources hagiographiques (750-950).  Travaux du Laboratoire d'histoire religieuse de l'Université Laval 1.  Quebec: Les Presses de l'Université Laval, 1975.  Gives sources for and analyses of thirty-nine vitae, translationes, and  miracula written in Aquitaine about Aquitainian saints between 750 and 950 (esp. pp. 16-17 and 167-176).  Minor supplements in Martin Heinzelmann, "Sanctitas und `Tugendadel': Zu Konzeptionen von `Heiligkeit' im 5. und 10. Jahrhundert," Francia 5 (1977): 742.


Bultot-Verleysen, Anne-Marie. "Hagiographie d'Aquitaine (750-1130)." In Hagiographies 6:521-704. Discusses 49 dossiers of bishops and monks.


Bonassie, Pierre, Pierre-André Sigal, and Dominique Iogna Prat. "La Gallia du Sud, 930-1130." In Hagiographies 1:289-344. Anne-Marie Bultot-Verleysen  revisited this article twenty years later, in Hagiographies 6: 637-87 (see above).


Baillet, Christoph, and Patrick Henriet. "Gallia, 1130-fin XIIIe siècle: Provences de Bordeaux, Auch et Narbonne." In Hagiographies 6:705-807.  Discusses 31 saints, 68 literary works.


Romance Hagiography:

             Brunel-Lobrichon, Geneviève, Anne-Françoise Leurquin-Labie, and Martine Thiry-Stassin. "L'hagiographie de langue française sur le Continent IXe- XVe siècle." In Hagiographies 2:291-371.


            Zaal, J. W. B. `A lei francesca' (Sainte Foy v. 20): Étude sur les chansons de saints gallo-romanes du XIe siècle. Leiden: Brill, 1962.  Lists Latin hagiography written in France from the late tenth through the early twelfth century (pp. 46-54, sources 46n-47n); lists parallel vernacular hagiography (p. 56).


Ernst, Ursula. Studien zur altfranzösischen Verslegende (10.-13. Jahrhundert): Die Legende im Spannungsfeld von Chanson de geste und Roman.  Europäische Hochschulschriften 13:  Französische Sprache und Literatur 141. Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1987.  A Göttingen dissertation containing a list of versified French hagiographical texts to the early thirteenth century, including date, length, metrical form, and edition (pp. 11-20).


Thiry-Stassin, Martine, "L'hagiographie en Anglo-Normand." In Hagiographies 1:407-28.


Wogan-Browne, Jocelyn. "Clerc u lai, muine u dame:  Women and Anglo-Norman Hagiography."  In Women and Literature in Britain, 1150-1500, ed. Carol M. Meale. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 1983. Lists 70 romance texts concerning 37 saints, "a considerable corpus … which has tended to fall between the concerns of Middle English and Old French scholars" ( pp. 75n-78n).


Johnson, Phyllis, and Brigitte Cazelles. Le vain siècle guerpir:  A Literary Approach to Sainthood through Old French Hagiography of the Twelfth Century.  North Carolina Studies in the Romance Languages and Literatures 205.  Chapel Hill:  U.N.C. Dept. of Romance Languages, 1979.  Looks at French vernacular hagiography in the twelfth century.  Appends data on the twenty-four poems discussed (pp. 197-304).  Also offers a short list of text dates (pp. 305-07), as well as information on the debates over Anglo/Norman vs. Continental origins (pp. 308-09).  

             Cazelles, Brigitte. The Lady as a Saint: A Collection of French Hagiographic Romances of the Thirteenth Century. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 1991.  Bibliography (pp. 320-323) gives sources for lives of thirteen female saints celebrated in thirteenth-century French hagiographical romance. 

            Bledniak, Sonia. "L'hagiographie imprimée: Oeuvres en français, 1476-1550." In Hagiographies 1:359-405.





Wattenbach, Wilhelm, and Wilhelm Levison. Deutschlands Geschichtsquellen im Mittelaltered. Heinrich Löwe. 6 vols.  Weimar:  Böhlaus Nachfolger, 1952-90.  The original version published in 1856 has been  revised many times.  Contains abundant bibliography on the major German narrative hagiographical sources.


Klüppel, Theodor. "Die Germania (750-950)." In Hagiographies 2:161-209.


Corbet, Patrick. Les saints ottoniens: Sainteté dynastique, sainteté royale et sainteté féminine autour de l'an mil.  Beihelfte der Francia 15. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke, 1986. Lists sources for six saints (five female) from the Ottonian royal line. Case-by-case and typological analysis. Social, familial, and hagiographical context.


Lotter, Friedrich, and Sabine Gäbe. "Die hagiographische Literatur im deutschen Sprachraum unter den Ottonen und Saliern (ca. 960-1130)." In Hagiographies 4: 273-521. Discusses 43 dossiers; then 13 more reflecting the influence of the reform center of Siegburg. 


Michalowski, Roman. "Il culto dei santi fondatori nei monasteri tedeschi dei secoli XI e XII - Proposte di ricerca." In Culto dei santi, istituzioni e classi sociali in età preindustrialeed Sofia Boesch Gajano and Lucia Sebastiani.  Collana di studi storici 1.  L'Aquila:  L. U. Japadre, 1984.  Pp. 105-40.  Not a systematic list of eleventh- and twelfth-century German monastic founders, but a possible starting point for such a list.  


Köhler, Oskar. Das Bild des geistlichen Fürsten in den Viten des 10., 11. und 12. Jahrhunderts.  Abhandlungen zur mittleren und neueren Geschichte 77.  Berlin: Verlag für Staatsswissenschaft und Geschichte, 1935. Episcopal lives, dates, and editions (pp. 141-42).


      Cou‚, Stephanie.  "Acht Bischofsviten aus der Salierzeit."  In Gesellschaftlicher und ideengeschichtlicher Wandel im Reich der Salier,  ed. Stefan Weinfurter. Vol. 3 of Die Salier und das Reich, ed. Stefan Weinfurter. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke, 1992. Pp. 347-413.  Detailed Quellenkritik for a somewhat arbitrary choice of eight vitae.


Kallfelz, Hatto. Lebenbeschreibungen einiger Bischöfe des 10. - 12. Jahrhunderts.  Ausgewählte Quellen zur deutschen Geschichte des Mittelalters 22.  Darmstadt:  Wissenschaftliche Buchgesellschaft, 1973.


Haarländer, Stephanie. Vitae Episcoporum: Eine Quellengattung zwischen Hagiographie und Historiographie, untersucht an Lebensbeschreibungen von Bischöfen des Regnum Teutonicum im Zeitalter der Ottonen und Salier. Monographien zur Geschichte des Mittelalters 47. Stuttgart : Anton Hiersemann, 2000. Treats 55 vitae for 35 bishops (= 6.09% of all the bishops who held office within the study's parameters).


Rener, Monika. "Lateinische Hagiographie im deutschsprachigen Raum von 1200-1450." In Hagiographies 1:199-265.


Collins, David J. Reforming Saints: Saints' Lives and Their Authors in Germany, 1470-1530. Oxford Studies in Historical Theology. Oxford: Oxford University Press, 2008. About 40 texts, most of them humanist projects, some little studied.


Rener, Monika. "Hagiographie im deutschen Raum (1125-1220)." In Hagiographies 6:401-20.


Collins, David J. "Latin Hagiography in Germania (1450-1550)." In Hagiographies 4: 523-83.  Discusses a resurgent Latin humanist tradition of hagiography that blossomed briefly from 1470-1520.



Winheller, Ernst. Die Lebensbeschreibungen der vorkarolingischen  Bischöfe von Trier. Rheinisches Archiv 27. Bonn: Ludwig Röhrscheid Verlag, 1935. Examines the dating and manuscript tradition of the interrelated lives of more than a dozen early Trier bishops (most of these are versions from the late tenth through the eleventh century).  To update the scholarship, use Hans Hubert Anton, Trier im frühen Mittelalter. Quellen und Forschungen aus dem Gebiet der Geschichte, n.f. 9 (Paderborn: Ferdinand Schöningh, 1987), pp. 235-36. 


Krönert, Klaus. L’exaltation de Trèves: Écriture hagiographique et passé historique de la metropole mosellane, VIIIe-XIe siècle. Beihefte der Francia 70. Ostfildern: Jan Thorbecke Verlag, 2010.  Originally a 2003 doctoral thesis, this work identifies 25 early medieval lives strictly related to Trier (concerning 8 saints) and analyzes each one critically (pp. 19-287).


Steine, Heinz Erich. "Kölner Heiligenlegenden im 10. und 11. Jahrhundert." In Kaiserin Theophanu:  Begegnung des Ostens und Westens um die Wende des ersten Jahrtausends: Gedenkschrift des Kölner Schnütigen-Museums zum 1000. Todesjahr der Kaiserin, ed. Anton von Euw und Peter Schreiner. 2 vols.  Cologne: Schnütigen-Museum, 1991. Pp. 125-35.  Two passions and two translations. 


Klüppel, Theodor. Reichenauer Hagiographie zwischen Walahfrid und Berno. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke, 1980. More than a dozen  lives,  translationes, and relic commemorations associated with Reichenau from the ninth through the mid eleventh century. Note, however, the review by François Dolbeau in Francia 9 (1981): 735-36.


Schwaiger, Georg. Bavaria Sancta: Zeugen christlichen Glaubens in Bayern.  3 vols. Regensburg: Friedrich Pustet, 1970-73.


Graus, František. "Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte der Hagiographie der Merowinger- und Karolingerzeit: Die Viten der Heiligen des südalemannischen Raumes und die sogenannten Adelsheiligen." In Mönchtum, Episkopat und Adel zur Gründungszeit des Klosters Reichenau, ed. Arno Borst. Vorträge und Forschungen 20. Sigmaringen: Jan Thorbecke, 1974. Pp. 131-76.  Includes an initial extensively documented section on the saints and lives from early medieval southern Germany (pp. 131-59). 


Hagiography Written in German:

            Kunze, Konrad. "Deutschsprachige Hagiographie von den Anfängen bis 1350." In Hagiographies 2:211-38.

  Williams-Krapp, Werner. "Deutschsprachige Hagiographie von ca. 1350 bis ca. 1550." In Hagiographies 1: 267-288.

Kunze, Konrad, "Projekt einer Bibliotheca Hagiographica Germanica."  Analecta Bollandiana 90 (1972), 299-322. Work in progress.  A a proposed project more ambitious than its Latin counetrparts, proposing to index thoroughly the manuscript witnesses (like the Bibliotca agiografica italiana).






       Krumbacher, Geschichte der byzantinischen Literatur.  See I. C. above.


Beck, Kirche und theologische Literatur im byzantinischen Reich. See I. C. above.


            Erhard, Überlieferung und Bestand der hagiographischen und homiletischen Literatur der grieschischen Kirche. See I. C. above.


            Nesbitt, John W. "A Geographical and Chronological Guide to Greek Saint Lives." See BHG, 3rd ed., I.A. above.


Sevcenko, Ihor.“L’agiografia bizantina dal IV al IX secolo.” In La civiltà bizantina dal IV al IX secolo: Aspetti e problemi .Bari Università degli studi di Bari, Centro di studi bizantini, 1977. Pp. 87-173.


Dumbarton Oaks Hagiography Database. Translations of lives of Byzantine saints whose deaths dates fall between 700 and 999, catalogued by BHG numbers and linked to the available editions of Greek texts. The new free on-line edition grew out of a 1991-98 series of floppy disks, a project co-directed by Alexander Kazhdan and Mary-Alice Talbot, and sponsored by the Dumbarton Oaks Institute and the Andrew W, Mellon Foundation. The on-line version, includes a list of the saints, noting some omisisons (pp. 7-10 and 16-18) and a bibliographical introduction to this hagiography (p. 111).


Efthymiadis,Stephanos, and Vincent Déroche. "Greek Hagiography in Latin Antiquity (Fourth – Seventh Centuries). In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. 1:35-94. Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2011-2014. Lists primary sources cited (pp. 79-86).


            Sevcenko, Ihor.  "Hagiography of the Iconoclast Period."  In Iconoclasm:  Papers Given at the Ninth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, University of Birmingham, 1975, ed. Anthony Bryer and Judith Herrin (Birmingham:  University of Birmingham Center for Byzantine Studies, 1975.  Pp. 1-42.  Rpt. in his Ideology, Letters and Culture in the Byzantine World.  London:  Variorum Reprints, 1982.  Same pagination.  Does not list systematically the "several dozen Lives of saints which deal with the first or second Iconoclasm, or were influenced by the iconoclastic controversy," but covers them in footnotes which carefully chart the editions.


            Efthymiadis, Stephanos. "Hagiography from the 'Dark Age' to the Age of Symeon Metepharastes (Eighth – Tenth Centuries." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. 1:95-142. Burlington, VT : Ashgate, 2011-2014. Lists primary sources cited (pp. 131-35).


Lequeux, Xavier. "Latin Hagiogaphical Literrature Translated into Greek." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:385-99, primary sources listed 1: 395-96.


Efthymiadis, Stephanos. “The Byzantine Hagiographer and His Audience in the Ninth and Tenth Centuries. In Metaphrasis: Reflections and Audiences in Middle Byzantine Hagiography. Edited by C. Hogel. Oslo: Research Council of Norway, 1996.  Pp. 59-80. Reprinted in Efthymiadis, Hagiography in Byzantium: Literature, Social History, and Cult. Variorum Collected Studies 989. Farnham: Ashgate, 2011. Includes a “Chronological List of Lives of Saints (9th-10th Century).”


Costa-Louillet, Germaine. "Saints de Constantinople aux VIIIe, IXe et Xe siècles." Byzantion 24 (1955-56), 179-263, 453-511, and 25-27 (1957), 783-852. Discusses the dossiers of eighteen saints of the eighth through tenth centuries who were connected with Constantinople.


Paschlidis, Symeon A. "The Hagiography of the Eleventh and Twelfth Centuries."  In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis  2 vols. 1:143-71. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011-2014. Lists primary sources cited (pp. 161-65).


Patlagean, Evelyne. "Sainteté et pouvoir." In The Byzantine Saint: University of Birmingham Fourteenth Spring Symposium of Byzantine Studies, ed. Sergei Hackel. Studies Supplementary to Sobornost 5.  London: Fellowship of St. Alban and St. Sergius, 1981.  Pp. 88-105, esp. 88-92.  A provisional list of about thirty Byzantine saints, not including saints of the iconoclast controversy or of southern Italy, who lived from the ninth through the eleventh century and had lives written during this same period.


Delehaye, Hippolyte. Les Légendes greques des saints militaires.  Paris:  Librairie Alphonse Picard, 1909; rpt. New York:  Arno Press, 1975.  A very partial list of Greek soldier saints (pp. 1-2) is followed by editions and French translations of a few major texts.


White, Monica. Military Saints in Byzantium and Rus, 900-1200.  New York: Cambridge University Press, 2013.


Patlagean, Evelyne. "Le Basileus assassiné et la sainteté impériale."  In Media in Francia: Receuil de mélanges offert à Karl Ferdinard Werner à l'occasion de son 65e anniversaire par ses amis et collègues français. Paris:  Hérault-Éditions, 1989.  Pp. 345-61.  Surveys the sources, lives and other genres, that attribute sanctity to particular emperors.


Talbot, Alice-Mary. "Old Wine in New Bottles:  The Rewriting of Saints' Lives in the Palaeologan Period."  In The Twilight of Byzantium:  Aspects of Cultural and Religious History in the Late Byzantine Empire, Papers from the Colloquium Held at Princeton University, 8-9 May 1989,  ed. Slobodan Ćurčić and Doula Mouriki. Princeton:  Department of Art and Archeology Program in Hellenic Studies, 1991. Pp. 15-26.  Alludes to a list in progress of Palaeologan hagiography devoted to post-apostolic saints:  this then included 36 vitae devoted to 32 contemporary holy men (none to holy women); it also included ca. 125 vitae, by about 45 different authors, devoted to saints who lived before the thirteenth century.


Talbot, Alice-Mary. "Hagiography in Late Byzantium (1204-1453)." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography ed. Efthymiadis.. 2 vols. 1:95-142. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:173-95. Offers a primary source bibliography but lmits it to items published after 1984, leaving earlier research to the BHG and BHG Suppl.


Delehaye, Hippolyte. "Saints de Thrace and de Mésie."  Analecta Bollandiana 31 (1912): 161-300.  Martyrs through the seventh century.


da Costa-Louillet, Germaine. "Saints de Grèce aux VIIIe, IXe et Xe siècles."  Byzantion 31 (1961): 309-369.  Analysis of texts concerning 8 saints who lived in Greece in the eighth, ninth, and tenth centuries.

            Greenfield, Richard P. H., and Alice-Mary Talbot (eds). Holy Men of Mount Athos.  Dumbarton Oaks Medieval Library 40.  Cambridge, MA: Harvard University Press, 2016.  Curpus of six Athonite lives, presented in Greek with facing translations.



Hagiographica Cypria. Sancti Barnabae Laudatio auctore Alexandro Monacho, Sanctorum Bartholomaei et Barnabae Vita e menologio imperiali deprompta, ed. Peter Van Deun; Vita Sancti Auxbii, ed. Jacques Noret.  Corpus Christianorum Series Graeca 26.  Turnhout: Brepols, 1993.  Editions of texts from 6th, 7th, and early 11th centuries, with an introduction to the hagiographical context.


Delehaye, Hippolyte. "Saints de Chypre."  Analecta Bollandiana 26 (1907): 161-301.  Cypriot saints of the Byzantine and crusader eras.



Bozilŏv, Ivan. "L'hagiographie bulgare et l'hagiographie byzantine: Unité et divergence." In Hagiographie, cultures et sociétés IVe-XIIe siècles: Actes du Colloque organisé  à Nanterre et à Paris (2-5 mai 1979). Paris: Études  Augustiniennes / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Université de Paris X Nanterre, 1981.  Sources for five Byzantine saints lives by Bulgarian authors and nine lives of Bulgarian saints from Byzantine sources ( pp. 535-557)..



Yanich, Voyeslav, and C. Patrick Hankey. Lives of the Serbian Saints.  Translations of Christian Literature ser. 7.  London: Society for Promoting Christian Knowledge, 1921. Sixteen Serbian saints, mostly medieval rulers, have lives translated here, but in versions taken from the mid-nineteenth-century Serbian martyrology.


Bojović, Boško I. L'Idéologie monarchique dans les hagio-biographies dynastiques du moyen âge serbe. Orientalia Christiana Analecta 248. Rome:  Pontificio Istituto Orientale, 1995. Analytical narrative survey of the literary tradition.



Podskalsky, Gerhard. Christentum und theologische Literatur in der Kiever Rus' (988-1237).  Munich:  C. H. Beck, 1982.  Written in a handbook style, with a description and bibliography for each text, with a substantial section devoted to pre-Mongol Rus' hagiography (pp. 106-45).


Hollingsworth, Paul. The Hagiography of Kievan Rus': Translated with an Introduction.  Harvard Library of Early Ukrainian Literature, English Translations 2.  Cambridge:  Ukrainian Research Institute of Harvard University, 1992.  "This volume presents English translations of the six principal hagiographic works written in Rus' in the pre-Mongol period." (p. xiii)  Additional materials and related texts are discussed.


Ingham, Norman W.  "The Sovereign as Martyr, East and West."   Slavic and East European Journal 17 (1973), 1-17.  Places three Czech and Rus' lives of martyred rulers into their larger context.




Ussani, Vincenzo. "Index Latinitatis Italicae Medii Aevi Antiquioris per Litterarum Ordinem Digestus." Archivum Latinitatis Medii Aevi (Bulletin du Cange) 6 (1931): 1-96. This provisional index of sources for a proposed Dizionario Latino dell' alto medioevo presents 1175 alphabetized items written from the fifth through the tenth century.  An appended "Index Chronicus" arranges the pieces century by century, and identifies them with short titles that include passio, vita, miracula, etc. (pp. 91-96). 


             Penco, Gregorio.”L’erermitismo irregolare in Italia nei secoli XI-XII” Benedictina 32 (1985): :201-21. Lists, with Bilbliotheca Sanctorum references, 34 "irregular" hermits (hermits not connected to monasteries), who were acclaimed saints in the eleventh and twelfth centuries. 


       Spanó Martinelli, Serena. "Italia fra il 1450 e il 1550." In Hagiographies 2: 61-82.



DuFourcq, Albert. Étude sur les Gesta Martyrum romains.  Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 83.  Paris:  Albert Fontemoing, 1900. Discusses the passiones of the martyrs of Rome (which tend to be late romances), referring to the BHL to ground the texts (pp. 33-37).


Lanéry, Cécile. "Hagiographie d"Italie (300-550): I. Les passions latines composée en Italie. In Hagiographies 5:15-369. Discusses 45 dossiers.


Gioanni, Stéphane. "Hagiographie d'Italie (300-550): II. Les vies des saints latines composée en Italie de la paix constantinienne au milieu du VIe siècle." In Hagiographies 5:371-445.  Discusses four saints with lives, not passions.


Lanzoni, Francesco. Le Diocesi d'Italia dalle origini al principio del secolo VII.  2 vols. Studi e testi 35 and 35bis. Faenza:  Stabilimento Grafico F. Lega, 1927.  Contains good analyses of lives of early Italian bishops.


Delehaye, Hippolyte. "L'hagiographie ancienne de Ravenne." Analecta Bollandiana 47 (1929): 5-30.  For more current scholarship, see Friedrich Wilhelm Deichmann, Ravenna: Haupstadt des spätantiken Abandlandes, 4 vols. in 2.  Stuttgart: Franz Steiner Verlag, 1969-89.  2(3):175-83.


Northern Italy:

Everett, Nicholas. "The Hagiography of Lombard Italy," Hagiographica 7 (2000): 49-126.  Using Dekkers and Ussani, he develops and discusses a corpus of texts pertaining to the Lombard Regnum: seven from the north (pp. 57-100; five from central Italy (pp. 100-127; and many interrelated, badly transmitted, late attested texts from Spoleto (pp. 117-24).

Everett, Nicholas, trans. Patron Saints of Early Medieval Italy, AD c. 350-800: History and Hagiography in Ten Biographies.  Durham Medieval and Renaissance Texts and Translations 5. Toronto: Pontifical Institute of Medieval Studies, 2016.  English translations of ten early medieval Italian saints lives.


            Tomea, Paolo. "L'agiografia dell'Italia Settentrionale (950-1130)." In Hagiographies 3:99-178.


            Vauchez, André.  "Une nouveauté du XIIe siècle:  Les saints laïcs de l'Italie communale." In L'Europa dei secoli XI e XII fra novità e tradizione:  Sviluppi di una cultura.  Atti della decima Settimana internazionale di studio, Mendola, 25-29 agosto 1986. Pubblicazioni dell'Universita Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Miscellanea del Centro di Studi Medioevali 12.  Milan:  Vita et Pensiero, 1989.  Pp. 57-80.  Nine simple laymen (i.e. all male), largely from Western Tuscany and the Lombard region centering on Milan, who lived all or most of their lives in the twelfth century and received cult honors after their deaths.  "La liste ne prétend pas à l'exhaustivité."


Paolo Golinelli. "Italia Settentrionale (1130-1220)." In Hagiographies 1:125-53.


Diocesi di Milano, ed. Adriano Caprioli, Antonio Rimoldi, and Luciano Vaccaro. 2 vols.  Storia religiosa della Lombardia 9-10.  Brescia:  Ed. La Scuola, 1990, includes a list of Milanese hagiography (pp. 873-96).


Cremascoli, Giuseppe.  "La Santità:  Figure e testi agiografici." In Diocesi di Lodi. Storia religiosa della Lombardia 7. Brescia:  Editrice La Scuola, 1989.  Treats the martyrs, bishops, and ascetics of Lodi (pp. 190-208).


Benecchi, Roberto. Santi di Parma Provincia. Parma:  PPS Editrice, 1999. 38 saints and blesseds associated with Parma, several only by way of relic cult.  14 are modern and contemporary.


Lehmijoki-Gardner, Maiju.  Wordly Saints:  Social Interaction of Dominican Penitent Women in Italy, 1200-1500.  Biblioteca historica 35.  Helsinki:  Suomen Historiallinen Seura, 1999.  Based on the vitae of 19 Dominican penitents (pinzochere) in late medieval Italy.


Musolino, Giovanni, Antonio Niero, and Silvio Tramontin. Santi e beati veneziani:  Quaranta profili.  Biblioteca agiografica veneziana 1.  Collana storico dello "Studium Cattolico Veneziano" 6.  Venice:  Edizioni Studium Cattolico Veneziano, 1963.  Emphatically devotional, but based on an extensive knowledge of Venetian hagiographical tradition.  Solid source bibliographies.


Tramontin, Silvio, and Giorgio Fedalto. Santi e beati vissuti a Venezia.  Venice:  Studium Cattolico Veneziano, 1971. 


Delehaye, Hippolyte. "Saints d'Istrie et Dalmatie." Analecta Bollandiana 18 (1899): 369-411. 


Central Italy: 

Licciardello, Pierluigi. "Agiografia Latina dell'Italia centrale, 950-1130." In Hagiographies 5: 447-729. Includes more than a hundred texts relating to new hermits, Rome, and Florence.


Degli'Innocenti, Antonella. "Agiografia Latina dell'Italia centrale, 1130-1220." In Hagiographies  5: 731-98. Discusses 42 dossiers.


Licciardello, Pierluigi. Agiografia aretina altomedievale: Testi agiografici e contesti socio-culturali ad Arezzo tra VI e IX secolo. Millennio medievale 56. Tavarnuzze (Florence): SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 2005.

            Licciardello, Pierluigi. "Lineamenti di agiografia camaldolese medievale (XI-XIV secolo)." Hagiographica 11 (2004): 1-65.

            D'Angelo, Eduardo. "Bibliotheca Hagiographica Umbriae (1130-1500)." In Hagiographies 6:107-34. Discusses 116 dossiers, mostly mendicant saints.


Mooney, Catherine M.  "Women's Visions, Men's Words:  The Portrayal of Holy Women and Men in Fourteenth-Century Italian Hagiography."  Ph.D. diss., Yale University, 1991.  Appendix 1 gives sources for eleven female and nine male saints from Tuscany and Umbria who died between 1289 and 1330.


Leonardi, Claudio. "L'agiografia romana nel secolo IX." In Hagiographie, cultures et sociétés, IVe-XIIe siècles: Actes du Colloque organisé à Nanterre et à Paris (2-5 mai 1979). Paris: Études Augustiniennes, 1981.  Pp. 471-490. Leonardi does not attempt to produce an inclusive list of vitae from ninth-century Rome, but does examine a dozen lives by Anastasios Bibliothecarius and two by John the Deacon, works he charactrizes as hagiography of a "Mediterranean type" focused largely on ancient martyrs.


Kelly, J. N. D. The Oxford Dictionary of Popes. Oxford: University of Oxford Press, 1986. Short biographies of the popes, presented in chronological order with sources indicated for each. Those with an accepted cult are indicated as "ST" in the titles.  To see only popes honored as saints, consult Roberto Rusconi, Santo Padre: La Santità del papa da san Pietro a Giovanni Paolo II. Rome: Viella, 2010. 


Toubert, Pierre. Les Structures du Latium médiéval:  Le Latium méridional et la Sabine du IXe siècle … la fin du XIIe siècle.  2 vols.  Bibliothèque des Écoles française d'Athènes et de Rome 221.  Rome: École Française de Rome, 1973. Pp. 43-47.   Lists sources for eight male and two female saints from eleventh/twelfth-century, rural northern Lazio.


Latin Southern Italy:

D'Angelo, Edoardo. "Agiografia Latina del Mezzogiorno continentale d'Italia (750-1000)." In Hagiographies 4: 41-134.  Juxtaposed treatments of southern Lombardy, coastal cities, Greek lands, and monastic centers. Anonymous passiones dominate a group of 85 disparate dossiers on which some statistical analyses are attempted.


Limone, Oronzo. "Italia meridionale (950-1220)." In Hagiographies 2:11-60. More than 40 vitae, most from the Monte Cassino milieu.


Delehaye, Hippolyte. "Hagiographie napolitaine." Analecta Bollandiana 58 (1940): 5-64; 59 (1941): 1-33. Some updates are provide in J.-C. Moulinier, "Anastase le Bibliothecaire, hagiographe." In Memoriam Sanctorum Venerantes:  Miscellanea in Onore di Monsignor Victor Saxer. Studi di Antichità cristiana 48. Rome: Pontificio istituto di archeologia cristiana, 1992). Pp. 577-86.


Manfredonia, Rosa. "Agiografia Latina del Mezzogiorno continentale d'Italia e della Sicilia (1266-1517)." In Hagiographies 6:15-106. Several dozen Angevin dossiers, more than fifteen from the Aragonese era; also ten Sicilian ones.


Sallmann, Jean Michel. "La littérature hagiographique en Italie méridionale de 1500 à 1750." In Raccolte di vite di santi dal XIII al XVIII secolo, ed. Sofia Boesch Gajano. Fasano di Brindisi: Schena Editore, 1990. Pp. 169-80. From 1500 to 1750 appeared more than 300 lives of saints edited in Naples in more than 250 titles. Sallmann offers statistical analyses of this unusual hagiographical production and of its subjects.


Greek Southern Italy:

Siegmund, Albert. "Hagiographische Literatur."  See I.A. above.  Most of his mid-ninth through eleventh century translations from Greek into Latin are connected with the southern Italian world (esp. pp. 255-77).


Berschin, Walter. Griechisch-lateinisches Mittelalter: Von Hieronymus zu Nikolaus von Kues. Bern: Francke Verlag, 1980.  Brief survey of hagiographical translation activity in southern Italy (pp. 204-07, 252-55).


Berschin, Walter.  "Les traducteurs d'Amalfi au XIe siècle." In Traduction et traducteurs au moyen âge: Actes du Colloque international du CNRS organisé à Paris, Institut de recherche et d'histoire des textes, les 26-28 mai 1986, ed. Geneviève Contamine.  Paris:  Éditions du Centre national de la recherche scientifique, 1989. Pp. 163-68.  Five eleventh-century translations of Greek texts, made in Constantinople, including three lives.


da Costa-Louillet, G. "Saints de Sicile et d'Italie méridionale aux VIIe, IXe et Xe siècles." Byzantion 29-30 (1959-1960): 89-173. Discusses 9 lives, covering eleven Italo-Greek saints, written from the ninth through the eleventh century.


Cezzi, Fernando. "Per una lettura ecclesiologica della Vite italo-greche," Nicolaus 3 (1975): 298-99.  A list of 20 lives, "incomplete but sufficiently representative."


Mario Re, "Italo-Greek Hagiography." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. 1:95-142. Burlington:: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1: 226-56, with primary sources pp. 248-53. Discusses "a corpus of about 40 texts (p. 227)."


Follieri, Enrica. "Il Culto dei santi nell'Italia greca." In La Chiesa greca in Italia dall'VIII al XVI secolo: Atti del Convegno storico interecclesiasle (Bari, 30 apr. - 4 magg., 1969).  3 vols.  Italia Sacra, vols. 20-22.  Padua: Antenore, 1973. 2:553-76.


Ferrante, Nicola. Santi Italogreci in Calabria.  Rome: Edizioni Paralleo 38, 1981. Introduction, biographical sketches, and bibliography.


Pricoco, Salvatore. "Un esempio di agiografia regionale:  La Sicilia."  In Santi e demoni nell'alto medioevo occidentale (secoli V-XI), 7-13 aprile 1988.  2 vols.  Settimane di Studio del Centro Italiano di Studi sull'Alto Medioevo 36.  Spoleto: CISAM, 1989. 1:319-80.  Discusses more than two dozen surviving Greek and Latin early medieval texts, an abundance which is nevertheless described as only "the tip of the iceberg" of the Sicilian hagiography that formerly existed.



            Biblioteca agiografica italiana (BAI): Repertorio de testi a monocritti, secoli XIII-XV. Edited by Jacques Dalarun and Lino Leonardi. 2 vols. + CD-ROM. Archivio Romanzo, 4. Florence: SISMEL Edizioni del Galluzzo, 1993.  A BHL-style index for hagiography written in Italian. Concerns 548 saints (Mary and Jesus are not included), most of them ancient martyrs and desert fathers), attested in Italian memorials from the mid-13th century to ca. 1500. The BAI adopts a new style of enumerating hagiographical items, replacing the universal consecutive numbering of the BHL with independent enumerations in which each saint's dossier begins with #1.




Haase, Felix. Apostel und Evangelisten in den Orientalischen šberlieferungen.  Neutestamentliche Abhandlungen 9(1-3).  Münster i. W.:  Aschendorffschen Verlagsbuchhandlung, 1922.  Near Eastern literary sources for each apostle.


Kohler, Ch. "Rerum et Personarum  Actis Sanctorum Bollandistis et Analectis Bollandianis Obviae ad Orientem Latinum Spectant." Revue de l'Orient latin 5 (1897): 460-561.


North Africa:

Duval, Yvette. Loca Sanctorum Africa: Le culte des martyrs en Afrique du IVe au VIIe siècle. 2 vols. Collection de l'École Française de Rome.  Rome: ÉFR, 1982. Although this rich study is largely devoted to archeology and epigraphy, the concluding "Essai d'identification" identifies the saints honored in Late Antique North Africa (many were great saints of the East and West, whose cults were imported), and provides BHL and BHG references to the sources (2:611-748).


Saxer, Victor. Saints anciens d'Afrique du Nord: Textes les concernant traduits, preséntés et annotés. Vatican City: Tipografia Poliglotta Vaticana, 1979. Lists documents by category, including a total of fifteen acta, passiones, and biographies (pp. 5-10).  Then presents annotated articles on twenty four of the best documented saints, arranged century by century (pp. 37-210).  


Saxer, Victor. "Afrique latine." In Hagiographies 1:25-95.



Delehaye, Hippolyte. "Les martyres d'Égypte." Analecta Bollandiana 40 (1922): 5-154, 299-36.


O'Leary, De Lacy. The Saints of Egypt.  London:  S.P.C.K., 1937. Presents a Coptic calendar (pp. 34-41), and then analyzes, in alphabetical order, the literary material on each saint, noting editions and manuscripts of the lives (these, although often claiming to be based on Greek originals, survive in Sa`idic, Bohairic, and Arabic texts; many saints are known only from sketchy information in a fifteenth century Arabic synaxarium).


Baumeister, Theofrid. “Die Koptischen Märtyrerlegenden.” In Martyrium, Hagiographie unnd Heiligenverehrung im christlichen Altertum. Römische Quartalschrift für christliche Altertumskunde und Kirchengeschichte 61: Supplementband. Rome: Herder, 2009. Pp.141-52.


Papaconstantinou, Ariette. "Hagiography in Coptic." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:345-67, primary sources listed 1: 335-40.



Flusin, Bernhard. "Palestinian Hagiography (Fourth to Eighth Centuries)." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis.. 2 vols. 1:95-142. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:199-226, primary sources listed 1: 218-224.


Jean Richard, "L"Orient latin et le monde des missions." In Hagiographies 1: 189-98.



Brock, Sebastian, and Susan Harvey. Holy Women of the Syrian  Orient.  University of California Heritage Series 13. Berkeley:  University of California Press, 1987.  Fifteen hagiographical texts devoted to holy women, translated from the Syriac, written between the fourth and seventh centuries.  Not a complete sample, but one that makes the stories of some little known local saints much more accessible.


Brock, Sebastian. "Syriac Hagiography." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. 1: 259-83. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1: 259-83, primary sources listed 1: 271-208, marked with "E" for Nestorian and "W" for Jacobite.


Swanson, Mark. "Arabic Hagiography." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:345-67, primary sources listed 1: 360-63.


            Delehaye, Hippolyte. "Saints et reliquaires d'Apamée." Analecta  Bollandiana 53 (1935): 225-44.



Peeters, Paulus. "Le débuts du christianisme en Géorgie d'après les sources hagiographiques." Analecta Bollandiana 50 (1932): 5-58.


Martin-Hisard, Bernadette. "Georgian Hagiography." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:285-98, primary sources listed 1: 294-97.



Cowe, S. Peter. "Armenian Hagiography." In Ashgate Research Companion to Byzantine Hagiography, ed. Efthymiadis. 2 vols. Burlington: Ashgate, 2011-2014. 1:299-322, primary sources listed 1:318-20.





             Carlé, Birte, and Anders Fröjmark. "Danemark – Suède – Finlande." In Hagiographies 2:501-45.

Cormack, Margaret. The Saints in Iceland: Their Veneration from the Conversion to 1400.  Subsidia Hagiographica 78. Brussels:  Bollandistes, 1994. No complete original Latin hagiographical text survives from Iceland, although evidence indicates that at least seven were composed there (pp. 31-32). Vernacular works were more common, and more than 60 saints are commemorated in saints' sagas of varying length in manuscripts written before 1400; vernacular hagiographical poems were also known (pp. 32-43).  Cormack describes the literary treatments, saint by saint, in "The Cultus of the Saints" (pp. 69-165).


Widding, Ole, Hans Bekker-Nielsen, and Laurence K. Shook. "The Lives of the Saints in Old Norse Prose: A Handlist."  Mediaeval Studies 25 (1963): 294-337. Lists saints alphabetically with sources.


Carlé, Birte. Jomfru-Fortaellingen: Et bidrag til genrehistorien. Odense University Studies in Scandinavian Languages and Literatures 12.  Odense: Odense Universitetsforlag, 1985. A Danish dissertation, with English and Dutch summaries, analyzing the structure of legends of virgin saints translated into Old Norse: although featuring the lives form a single collection (pp. 33-51), the comparisons ultimately extend to virtually all female saints for whom there is substantial material in Old Norse (pp. 147-56), a corpus involving about a dozen saints, mostly martyrs.


Phelpstead, Carl. Holy Vikings: Saints' Lives in the Old Icelandic Kings' Sagas. Tempe: Arizona Center for Medieval and Renaissance Srudies, 2007. Argues that "the mutually exclusive classification of the Old Norse Lives of Scandinavian saintrs as either 'proper' Saints' Lives or 'profane' Kings' Sagas is inadequate" (p. 75). Analyzes more thna a dozen of these sources (pp. 8-38).  Contextualizes them by looking at their origins in earlier genres.


             Le Breton-Filippusdóttir, Steinunn. "Hagiographie vernaculaire d'Islande et de Norvège."  In Hagiographies 3:361-451.





             Diaz y Diaz, Manuel C. "Passionnaires, légendiers et compilations hagiographiques dans le haut Moyen Âge espagnol." In Hagiographie, cultures, et sociétés, IVe-XIIe siècles: Actes du Colloque organisé à Nanterre et à Paris, 2-5 mai 1979. Paris: Études Augustiniennes / Centre National de la Recherche Scientifique et de l'Université de Paris X Nanterre, 1981.  Pp. 49-59.  Brief survey of early medieval Spanish hagiographic production.


Díaz y Díaz, Manuel C. Index Scriptorum Latinorum Medii Aevi Hispanorum. 2 vols. Acta Salamanticensia, Serie de filosofia y letras 13(1-2).  Salamanca: Universidad de Salamanca, 1958-59. A catalogue of medieval Spanish literature in Latin, arranged century by century, that gives BHL nos., eds., and mss. for the hagiographical works. Vita, passio, and other terms are included in the final index.  A new edition is said to be in preparation at the Universidad de Santiago de Compostela.


Baños Vallejo, Fernando. La Hagiografía como género literario en la edad media: Tipología de doce `vidas' individuales castellanas.  Oviedo Departamento de filología española, Publicaciones Series Maior 2.  Oviedo Departamento de filología española, 1989. Although this book is primarily a close analysis of a dozen Spanish vernacular prose and verse lives, it appends an "Ensayo de un índice de la hagiografía hispano-medieval" which offers data on 222 Latin and vernacular hagiographical texts (note the criteria for inclusion, pp. 33-37). The Latin material relies heavily on Díaz y Díaz' "Index."  Also surveys the evolution of Spanish hagiography (pp. 38-58).


Walsh, John K., and Billy Bussell Thompson. Medieval Spanish  Hagiography: A Bibliography.  Announced as forthcoming in the series Research Bibliographies and Checklists.  London:  Grant & Cutler.   Walsh, who died in 1990, had been working on his "hagibibliography" for many years, sharing his findings with others.  Organized by saint, it was intended to include manuscripts, literary treatments and allusions, and scholarly analyses. I have not yet discovered its fate.


De Courcelles, Dominique, "Espagne de 1450-1550." In Hagiographies 1:155-88.


Mattoso, José. "Le Portugal de 950 à 1550." In Hagiographies 2: 83-102.


Deyermond, Alan. "Lost Hagiography in Medieval Spanish:  A  Tentative Catalogue." Saints and Their Authors: In Studies in Medieval Hispanic Hagiography in Honor of John K. Walsh. Edited by Jane E. Connolly, Alan Deyermond, and Brian Dutton.  Madison:  Hispanic Seminary of Medieval Studies, Ltd., 1990. Pp. 139-48. A preliminary bibliography of 21 items, assembled as part of a larger projected catalogue of lost works of medieval Spanish literature (600+ items).


Briesemeister, Dietrich. "Hagiografía Latina y vernácula en la Península Ibérica (1350-1500)." In Hagiographies 6:235-399.


Garcia de la Borbolla, Ángeles. "Las fuentes hagiográficas hispanas en lengua vulgar (1230-1350)," In Hagiographies 4: 134-181.





A Menology of England and Wales; Or Brief Memorials of the Ancient British and English Saints.  Supplement by Richard Stanton.  London:  Burns & Oates Limited, 1892. This book is the result of the desire of the revived English Roman Catholic hierarchy to create its own national martyrology.  Although it does not attempt any systematic survey of lives, its appendixes include a "Chronological List of Saints Named in the Menology," based upon obits taken from English calendars and legendaries, which can be cross-checked against other hagiographical reference works. Also contains a list of "Saints Belonging to the Reigning Houses of the Various Kingdoms of England" (pp. 757-62), based on the English calendars and legendaries. 


             Lapidge, Michael, and Rosalind Love. "The Latin Hagiography of England and Wales (600-1550)." In Hagiographies 3:203-325.


Rollason, D. W. "The Cults of Murdered Royal Saints in Anglo-Saxon England." Anglo-Saxon England 2 (1983): 1-22. Looks at twelve royal Anglo-Saxon saints.


Ridyard, Susan J. The Royal Saints of Anglo-Saxon England: A Study of West Saxon and East Anglian Cults.  Cambridge Studies in Medieval life and Thought, 4th ser., 9.  New York:  Cambridge University Press, 1988. The subtitle indicates the actual scope of the study, which analyzes in detail a half dozen local cults, known largely through late eleventh and early twelfth century lives.        


Gransden, Antonia. “Anglo-Saxon Sacred Biography and Local History” and “Sacred Biography from the Reign of Henry II to John.” In Historical Writing in England c. 550 to c. 1307.  London: Routledge & K. Paul, 1974. 1:67-91 and 1:296-317. Narrative discussions of Latin and vernacular hagiography.


Bartlett, Robert.  "The Hagiography of Angevin England."  In Thirteenth Century England. V:  Proceedings of the Newcastle upon Tyne Conference 1993. Edited by P. R. Cross and S. D. Lloyd. Woodbridge: Boydell, 1995. Pp. 37-52. Treats thirty Latin compositions from 1180-1220, of which twelve deal with saints who died after 1150 (re seven saints). Also considers twelve not-too-securely dated French verse works and three possible prose English works ("the Catherine group").


English Language Hagiography:

Cameron, Angus.  "A List of Old English Texts."  A Plan for the Dictionary of Old English.  Edited by Roberta Frank and Cameron.  Toronto: Toronto University Press, 1973. Pp. 25-306. Does not contain a specific hagiographical index, but lists texts, editions, and manuscripts.


             Cross, James E. "English Vernacular Saints' Lives before 1000 A.D." In Hagiographies 2:413-427.


             Whatley, Gordon. "Late Old English Hagiography, ca. 950-1150." In Hagiographies 2:429-99.


             D'Evelyn, Charlotte, and Francis A. Foster, eds.  "Saints' Legends."  In A Manual of the Writings in Middle English, 1050-1500. Ed. by J. Burke Severs and Albert E. Hartung.  25 vols.  New Haven: Connecticut Academy of Arts and Sciences, 1967-.  2:410-57.


Görlach, Manfred. "Middle English Legends, 1220-1530." In Hagiographies 1: 429-85.


Sanok, Catherine. New Legends of England: Forms of Community in Late Medieval Saints' Lives. Philadelp[hia: University of Pennsyhlvania Press, 2018.  Analyzes Middle English saints' lives of the fifteenth century.


Cornwall & Wales:

Doble, Gilbert Hunter. The Saints of Cornwall, ed. Donald Attwater.  6 vols.  Chatham:  Dean and Chapter of Truro, 1960 (vol. 1); Oxford:  The Holywell Press, 1962-1970 (vols. 2-6). Doble, a Cornish antiquarian, wrote 49 pamphlets in the Cornish Saints Series, published between 1921 and 1949, most of which are now unobtainable except as republished here.  His saint-by-saint studies, arranged here in regional volumes, include data on surviving vitae.


Orme, Nicholas. The Saints of Cornwall. New York: Oxford University Press, 2000.


Doble, Gilbert Hunter. Lives of the Welsh Saints, ed. D. Simon Evans.  2nd ed. Cardiff:  University of Wales Press, 1971. This brings together studies on five Welsh saints, highlighting Welsh saints who had Cornish ties.


Tatlock, J.S.P.  "The Dates of the Arthurian Saints' Legends."  Speculum 14 (1939): 345-65.  Examines the vitae of five Insular and two Breton saints, in which Arthur makes early appearances.


Wade-Evans, A.W. Vitae Sanctorum Britanniae et Genealogiae. University of Wales Board of Celtic Studies History and Law Series 9.  Cardiff: University of Wales Press Board, 1944. Its contents are supplemented by a summary survey of published Welsh lives (p. viii).


Miller, Molly. The Saints of Gwynedd. Studies in Celtic History 1.  London: Boydell, 1979.  Bibliography lists fourteen relevant vitae and their editions (p. xiv); an appended list of 170 eponyms lists vitae if they exist.


Henken, Elissa R. Traditions of the Welsh Saints. Suffolk: D. S. Brewer, 1987. Lists the sources for 47 saints who spent the major part of their careers in Wales and whose lore was preserved by the Welsh.  Juxtaposes a variety of Latin, vernacular, and folkloric sources, but the entry for each saint does include vitae if they exist. Offers a general discussion of Latin and vernacular lives (pp. 5-14).


Henken, Elissa R.  The Welsh Saints: A Study in Patterned Lives.  Suffolk: D. S. Brewer, 1991. Compares folklore sources with hagiographical sources for approximately 47 Welsh saints.



            Colgan, John. Acta Sanctorum Hiberniae. 1645, reprinted. Dublin: Stationery Office, 1948.  An unfinished answer to the Bollandist project, containing Irish saints whose feasts fell January through March.


Kenney, James Francis. The Sources for the Early History of  Ireland--Ecclesiastical: An Introduction and a Guide.  Records of Civilization 11.  New York:  Columbia University Press, 1929. Rpt., with some limited corrections by Ludwig Bieler, New York:  Octagon Books, 1966 and 1968. [The 2nd ed. is rpt. Blackrock:  Four Courts Press, 1993.]  A source analysis, proceeding item by item, century by century.


Lapidge, Michael and Richard Sharpe. A Bibliography of Celtic-Latin Literature 400-1200. Dublin: Royal Irish Academy, 1985. Sources, presented chronologically, grouped by region and authenticity.  Hagiographical works are listed under known authors or in genre sections.  Created as an index of sources for the Royal Irish Academy's Dictionary of Medieval Latin from Celtic Sources. General bibliographical information on hagiography included (pp. 33, 101, 247).  Some corrections are noted by George Brown in Speculum 64 (1989): 461-62.


Sharpe, Richard. Medieval Irish Saints' Lives: An Introduction to Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae. Oxford:  Clarendon Press, 1991. Compares texts in the three major manuscript collections of Irish lives to individually surviving texts.


Máire Herbert. Iona, Kells, and Derry: The History and Hagiography of the Monastic Familia of Columba. Oxford: Clarendon, 1988. Describes published editions of Columban lives (pp. 209-10) and translates the Irish life of Columcille (pp. 211-86).


Carey, John, Máire Herbert, and Pádraig Ó Riain, eds. Studies in Irish Hagiography: Saints and Scholars. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2001. Individual studies largely devoted to the Columban tradition, including discussions of sometimes ahistorically Gaelicized "Columban" saints on the Continent.


             Herbert, Maíre, "Latin and Vernaacular Hagiography of Ireland from the Origins to the Sixteenth Century." In Hagiographies 3:327-360.


Plummer, Charles. "A Tentative Catalogue of Irish Hagiography." In Miscellanea Hagiographica Hibernica, ed. Plummer. Subsidia Hagiographica 15.  Brussels: Société des Bollandistes, 1925.  Irish lives of Irish saints (pp. 179-97); Irish anecdotes (pp. 198-224); other Irish hagiographical genres (pp. 225-33); Latin lives (pp. 234-54); Irish lives of Non-Irish saints (pp. 255-71).   This builds on Plummer's Vitae Sanctorum Hiberniae, 2 vols. Oxford:  Clarendon, 1910.


National Library of Ireland. "Saints' Lives and Legends" and  "Miscellaneous Legends."  In Bibliography of Irish Philology and of Printed Irish Literature.  Dublin:  Department of Agriculture and Technical Instruction, 1913; rpt. New York:  Johnson Reprint Corporation, 1970. Pp. 234-41, 241-43.  Sections of a bibliography of printed works related to Irish language and literature, down to the end of 1912.



Macquarrie, Alan, "Medieval Scotland." In Hagiographies 1: 487-501.


Macquarrie, Alan, ed. Legends of Scottish Saints: Readings, Hymns, and Prayers for the Commemorations of Scottish Saints in the Aberdeen Breviary. Dublin: Four Courts Press, 2012,






Neutestamentliche Apokryphen in deutscher Übersetzung.ed. Wilhelm Schneemelcher, transl. into German by Edgar Hennecke. 6th ed. [the 5th was a major revision; the 6th is a corrected version with only one piece of supplementary material.] 2 vols. Tübingen: J.C.B. Mohr, 1990. Englished as New Testament Apocrypha: Revised Edition, ed. Wilhelm Schneemelcher, transl. Robert McLachlan Wilson. Westminster: James Clarke., 1990-92. 


Lipsius, R.A., and M. Bonnet, eds. Acta Apostolorum Apocrypha, 3 vols. in 2.  Leipzig:  H. Mendelssohn, 1891-1903.


Söder, Rosa. Die apokryphen Apostelgeschichten und die romanhafte Literatur der Antike.  Würzburger Studien zur Altertumswissenschaft 3.  Stuttgart: W. Kohlhammer, 1932. Brief discussion of the texts (pp. 6-21).


Schermann, Theodor. Propheten- und Apostellegenden nebst Jüngerkatalogen des Dorotheus und Verwandte Texte. Texte und Untersuchungen zur Geschichte der altchristlichen Literatur 31(2).  Leipzig:  J.C. Hinrichs'sche Buchhandlung, 1907. Detailed investigation of early legends and their sources.


Tomea, Paolo. Tradizione apostolica e coscienza cittadina a Milano nel  medioevo:  La leggenda di san Barnaba.  Università Cattolica del Sacro Cuore, Bibliotheca Erudita, Studi e documenti di storia e filologia 2.  Milan:  Vita e Pensiero, 1993. Pp. 1-16. Lists nearly two dozen Western cults of apostolic founders (not exhaustive) and provides bibliographical citations.

              Michel Sot, “La Rome antique dans l’hagiographie épiscopale en Gaule.” In Roma antica nel Medioevo: Mito, rappresentazioni, sopravvivenze nella 'Respublica Christiana' dei secoli IX-XIII, atti della quattordicesima Settimana internazionale di studio, Mendola, 24-28 agosto 1998. Milan: Vita e Pensiero, 2001. 163-88.

Haase, Felix. Apostel und Evangelisten in den Orientalischen Überlieferungen.  See II. G. above.


Saxer, Victor.  Saints anciens d'Afrique du Nord.  See II. G. above.


Duchesne, Louis. Fastes épiscopaux.  See II. C. above.


Leclercq, Henri.  "Légendes apostoliques" / "Légendes gallicanes."  See II. C. above.  


Dolbeau, François.  Prophètes, apôtres et disciples dans les traditions chrétiennes d’Occident: Vies brèves et lists en latin. Subsidia Hagiographica 92. Brussels: Bollandistes, 2012.  A collection of studies related to the neglected genre of ancient and medeival lists of apostles and disciples, some of which contain abbreviated biographies. 15 edited here.





Bastiaaensen, A. A. R., et al. Atti e passioni dei martyri. Vicenza: Arnaoldo Mondadori, 1987.  The editor introduces the genre, its sources, and its significance.  Scholars edit and comment on eleven of the acta sincera.


Pierre Maraval, ed. Actes et Passions des martyrs des premiers siècles. Paris: Cerf, 2010. 27 annotated texts.On new pieces added or that should have been, see Analecta Bollandiana 28 (2010): 420.


          Scorza Barcellona, Francesco. "Agli inizi dell'agiografia occidentale." In Hagiographies 3:17-97.


          Musurillo, Herbert. The Acts of the Christian Martyyrs: Introduction, Texts and Translations. Oxford: Clarendon, 1972. Treats 28 texts intended to represent the acta sincera, the "most reliable."





Lanzoni, Francesco. Le Diocesi d'Italia dalle origini al principio del secolo VII.  See II. F. above.


Duchesne, Louis. Fastes épiscopaux. See II. C. above.


Köhler, Oskar. Das Bild des geistlichen Fürsten.  See II. D. above.


Haarländer, Stephanie. Vitae Episcoporum. See II. D. above.


Kallfelz, Hatto. Lebensbeschreibungen einiger Bischöfe. See II. D above.                         


Winheller, Ernst. Die Lebensbeschreibungen der vorkarolingischen Bischöfe von Trier.  See II. D. above.

            Sot, Michel. Gesta Episcoporum, Gesta Abbatum. Typologie des sources du moyen âge occidental 37.  Turnhout: Brepols, 1981. Offers a dated list of redactions of Gesta Episcoporum from the 6th up to the 13th cent. (p. 40).  The same list is reprinted in his "Rhétorique et technique dans les préfaces de gesta episcoporum (IXe-XIIe s.)," Cahiers de civilisation  médiévale 28 (1985): 182. These are not hagiographical texts per se, but sections of them are occasionally used as liturgical readings.




Heuclin, Jean. Aux origines monastiques de la Gaule du nord. See II. C. above.


Howe, John. "Greek Influence on the Eleventh-Century Western Revival of Hermitism."  Ph.D. diss., University of California, 1979. Table 1, pp.18-33, and Appendix B, pp.213-360, list and analyze sources for seven Italo-Greek, seventeen Italo-Latin, and sixty five northern European  lives of hermit saints written between 970 and 1070.


Acta Sanctorum Ordinis Sancti Benedicti (A.D. 500-1100. 9 vols.  Ed. Luc d'Achery and Jean Mabillon. Paris: Louis Billaine, 1668- 1701.  2nd ed. = Venice: Sebastian Colet & Joseph Bettinelli, 1733-40.  Vols. 1-2 and 3(1) of the Venice edition are rpt. in Matascone: Fratres Protat, 1935. The volumes are accessible online through the Bibliothèque nationale's Source Gallica initiative. Because these AAOSB editions of Benedictine hagiographical texts are organized century by century, on the basis of when their heroes lived, they have been used for chronological studies of Benedictine saints.


Zimmermann. Kalendarium Benedictinum. See I. B. above.


Dalarun, Jacques. "La morts des saints fondateurs de Martin à François." In Les fonctions des saints dans le monde occidental (IIIe-XIIIe siècle: Actes du Colloque organisé par l'École française de Rome avec le concours de l'Université de Rome "La Sapienza," Rome, 27-29 octobre 1988, Collection de l'ÉFR 149 (Rome: ÉFR, 1991), pp. 194-215, esp. 213-15.  Based upon a list of about sixty founders of religious communities who flourished from the fourth through the early thirteenth century and had theirdeath scenes recorded by their hagiographers.  The appended list includes BHL numbers and edition references. "Loin de nous l'idée d'exhaustivité: il s'agit que d'un sondage" (p. 195).



Wallis, Benedict. Elenco dei Certosini che in qualsiasi modo hanno ricevuto il titolo di santo o di beato.  Edited by James Hogg. Analecta Cartusiana 35; Spiritualität Heute und Gestern 12. Salzburg:  Universität Salzburg Institut für Anglistik und Amerikanistik, 1991.  Pp. 1-48. A list of nearly 90 Carthusian saints (medieval and modern), compiled in 1964. Refers only to secondary literature, so that considerable effort would still be needed to isolate a corpus of hagiographical texts.                                                        



            De Clerck, D. Hagiologe: Vie des saints, bienheureux et personnages considerable de l'Ordre de Prémontré. Windberg: Poppe-Verlag, 2005.



Lennsen, Seraphino. Hagiologium Cisterciense. 2 vols. Spirit duplicated at the monastery of B.M. de Villa Regia, near Tilburg in the Netherlands, 1948-49. Solid list of Cistercian saints and beati, summarizes lives and specifies sources.






du Monstier, Arturo [d. 1662]. Martyrologium Franciscanum. Paris Edmundum Covterot, 1638; a reissue ed. Ignatius Beschin and Julianus Palazzolo. Rome: Libr. Colegii S. Antonii, 1938.


Wadding, Luke [d. 1657]. Scriptores Ordinis Minorum. 1650, rpt. Frankfurt/Main: Minerva G.M.B.H., 1967; Bologna:  Forni, 1978.  This alphabetical listing of Franciscan authors includes an index of those who wrote "Vitae Sanctorum" (pp. xxxij-xxxiv).


Sbaralea, Hyacinthus. Supplementum et Castigatio ad Scriptores   Trium Ordinum S. Francisci a Waddingo, Aliisve Descriptos, new ed., 3 vols. 1936, rpt. Bologna:  Forni, 1978. A supplement to Wadding, to be used with care.


Paciocco, Roberto. "Santi e martiri francescani del XIV secolo." In Da Francesco ai "Catalogi Sanctorum":  Livelli istituzionali e immagini agiografiche nell'Ordine Francescano (secoli XIII-XIV).  Collectio Assisiensis 20.  Assisi:  Edizioni Porziuncola, 1990. Pp. 159-70. Lists 77 "saints" and their literary memorials:  most are known only through the Franscican "catalogs of saints" but many have lives.


Vauchez, André.  "L'ideal de sainteté dans le mouvement féminin  franciscain aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles."  In Movimento religioso femminile e francescanesimo nel secolo XIII:  Atti del VII Convegno internazionale, Assisi, 11-13 ottobre 1979.  Assisi: Società internazionale di studi francescani, 1981. Pp. 315-37, esp. 315. Lists women connected to the Franciscan milieu who had a papal process between 1198 and 1431 (half of all women so honored).

            Repertorium sermonum Latinorum Medii Aevi ad Laudem sancti Francisci Assisiensis. Ed. Aleksander Horowski. = Subsidia Scientifica Franciscalia 13. Rome: Fra Istituto storico dei cappuccino, 2013. 1049 sermons to ca. 1500.

D'Alatri, Mariano. Santi e santità nell'Ordine Cappuccino. 3 vols.  Rome: Postulazione generale dei Cappuccini, 1976-82. 146 biographies, with bibliographies, from the 1500 and 1600s, the 1700 and 1800s, and the 1900s.


Dominicans: .

Dubreil-Arcin, Agnés. Vies de saints, légendes de soi: L'écriture hagiographique dominicaine jusqu'au Speculum sanctorale de Bernard Gui. Hagiologia 7. Turnhout: Brepols. 2011.


             Serra, Aristide M. "Agiografica."  In Bibliografia dell'Ordine dei Servi. Bibliotheca Servorum Romandiolae 4.  Bologna:  Centro di Studi O.S.M., 1971. Indicates major lists of Servite saints (pp. 32-36).


Dal Pino, Franco Andrea. Spazi e figure lungo la storia dei Servi di Santa Maria, secoli XIII-XX. Italia Sacra 55. Rome: Herder, 1997. Discusses a foundation narrative and several medieval lives (see esp. 258-59, 608-82).





Folz, Robert.  Les saints reines du moyen âge en occident (VIe-XIIIe siècles). Subsidia Hagiographica 76. Brussels:  Bollandistes, 1992.  Seven early medieval and five high medieval queens, with cult data, listed pp. 176-77. Subchapters are devoted to each one.  How these far-from-comprehensive examples were selected is not indicated.


Folz, Robert.   Les saints rois du moyen âge en occident (VIe-XIIIe siècles).  Subsidia Hagiographica 68.  Brussels: Bollandistes, 1984.  Contains subchapters devoted to major examples of royal martyrs (16) and confessors (13), for which the relevant narrative sources are cited.


"Vitae Sanctorum Generis Regii." Monumenta Germaniae Historica   Scriptorum Rerum Merovingicarum. Hannover:  Hahn, 1888. 3:329-524.  Editions of nine vitae of Merovingian royal saints.


Graus, František.  Volk, Herrsche und Heiliger im Reich der Merowinger: Studien zur Hagiographie der Merowingerzeit.  Prague:  Nakladatelství Československé akademie věd, 1965. Pp. 300-437.  Analyzes Merovingian royal cults and their functions, listing the relevant material incidentally.


A Menology of England and Wales. Includes "Saints Belonging to the Reigning Houses of the Various Kingdoms of England" (pp. 757-62). See II.J. above. 


Rollason, D. W. "The Cults of Murdered Royal Saints in Anglo-Saxon England." See II. J. above.


Ridyard, Susan J. The Royal Saints of Anglo-Saxon England. See II. J. above.


Corbet, Patrick. Les saints ottoniens.  See II. D. above.


Klaniczay, Gábor.  "From Sacral Kingship to Self-Representation.  In Hungarian and European Royal Saints ..."  See II. B. above.


Patlagean, Evelyne. "Le Basileus assassině."  See II. G. above. 


Phelpstead, Carl. Holy Vikings: Saints' Lives in the Old Icelandic Kings' Sagas.


Ingham, Norman W.  "The Sovereign as Martyr, East and West."  See II. G. above.





Graus, František. "Sozialgeschichtliche Aspekte."  See II. D. above.


Vauchez, André.  "Une nouveauté du XIIe siècle:  Les saints laïcs    de l'Italie communale."  See II. F. above.

            Cornell du Houx, Adrian.  "Journeys to Holiness: Lay Sanctity in the Central Middle Ages, c.970-c.1120" (PhD thesis: Lancaster University, 2015). Not seen, uses a sample of lives.                                 




Dunbar, Agnes. Dictionary of Saintly Women. London: G. Bell, 1904-05. Some bibliographical information with most entries.


Brock, Sebastian, and Susan Harvey. Holy Women of the Syrian Orient.  See II. G. above.


            McNamara, Jo Ann, and John E, Halborg. Sainted Women of the Dark Ages.  Durham:  Duke University Press, 1992.  Seventeen female saints who are discussed in turn,a group that consists largely of highborn Merovingian ladies. McNamara claimed that this book was "intended to cover the whole of its designated turf" and that "I believe we got all of the contemporary lives of Frankish women of the sixth and seventh centuries" (Personal communication, Oct. 14, 1992). The critical apparatus is solid, with extensive information contained in the first note to each text.


Heene, Katrien. "Female Saints and Their Lives." See I. A. above.


Folz, Robert. Les saintes reines.  See III. F. above.


Cazelles, Brigitte. The Lady as a Saint.  See II. F. above.


Bell, Rudolph M. Holy Anorexia. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1985.  Lists sources for 261 female saints and holy persons by date of death from 1206 to 1934. The sample is based largely on information from the Bibliotheca Sanctorum.  Three tables give further statistical information.         


Atkinson, Clarissa W. The Oldest Vocation: Christian Motherhood in the Middle Ages.  Ithaca:  Cornell University Press, 1991. From the fifth chapter, "Holiness and Families in the Later Middle Ages," can be assembled an unsystematic list of late medieval saints who were mothers.     


Carl, Birte. Jomfru-Fortaellingen.  See II. H. above.


Blank, Walter. Die Nonnenviten des 14. Jahrhunderts. Eine Studie zur hagiographischen Literatur des Mittelalters unter besonderer Berucksichtung des Visionen und ihrer Lichtphänomene. Inaugural-Dissertation zur Erlangung der Dokturwürde der Philosophischen Fakultät der Albert-Ludwigs-Universität zu Freiburg i. Br.  Engen: Walter Blank, 1962.


Vauchez, André. "L'ideal de sainteté dans le mouvement féminin  franciscain aux XIIIe et XIVe siècles." See III. F. above.





           Delooz, Pierre.  Sociologie et canonisations.  See I.B. above.


           Kemp, Eric Waldram. Canonization and Authority in the Western Church.  Oxford:  Oxford University Press, 1948.  A final appendix lists "English Processes of Canonization from 1198 to the End of the Middle Ages," gives BHL nos., and refers back to the text for discussions of unsuccessful initiatives.


Vauchez, André.  La Sainteté en Occident aux derniers siècles du moyen âge d'après les Procès de canonisation et les documents hagiographiques.  Bibliothèque des Écoles françaises d'Athènes et de Rome 241.  Rome: ÉFRome, 1981.  Lists the surviving medieval  processus documents for the 71 known papal canonizations made between 1185 and 1431 (pp. 655-65).  However, following the success of Vauchez's work, several  processus listed here as unpublished have received first editions. Associated vitae are also identified (pp. 667-76).  Discusses saints by type.






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                                                                                    John Howe