I.                    MONARCHY (753-509BCE)

April 21, 753 BC    Romulus and Remus Found Rome

Named kings  ca. 600-509


II.                  REPUBLIC  (509-31 BCE

509 Brutus and friends expel King Tarquin the Proud

Checks & balances, term limits. Distribution of power

Battle of the Orders ca. 500-ca. 300

Conquest of Italy 509-279

Punic Wars 261-149

Mediterranean Conquest and Civil wars  149-31


III.                ROMAN EMPIRE (27BCE – 1453 AD/CE)


A.      The Principate  (27BCE – 180 AD/CE or 235 AD/CE)

Octavian (Augustus Caesar) (27BCE-14AD/CE)

"restores the Republic" (creates an Empire in disguise)

Julio –Claudian Emperors 27 BCE – 67AD/CE

"Five Good Emperors" 98-180


B.      Chaos / Military Anarchy / Imperial Crisis (third century)


C.      Later Roman Empire  (284-476 in the West; 284-ca. 600 in the East)

Diocletian (284-303)

Constantine (305, 312, 324 -337)