Russian Literature: 1953-Present



Aleksandr Isaevich Solzhenitsyn (Александр Исаевич Солженицын)

Alexander Solzhenitsyn: Autobiographical Sketch and Links to Nobel Prize Information

Solzhenitsyn Biography plus Links

Биография (Википедия)

One Day in the Life of Ivan Denisovich in Russian: Один день Ивана Денисовича

More Solzhenitsyn works in Russian

Words to songs about prison by Iuz Aleshkovskii and Vladimir Vysotsky

Video of Aleshkovskii singing "Comrade Stalin"

Youtube montage to Vysotsky's "Bath House." (Caution: Contains bath house nudity!)

Reading Guide:

How is the world outside of the camps portrayed in this novel? Are there any benefits to living in the camps?

What is the role of labor in the work camp? What is Ivan Denisovich's attitude toward work?

What are some of the reasons for the arrests of the characters in this novel? Did any of these reasons surprise you?

To which social classes do the various characters belong? Who is Ivan Denisovich? Cezar? The Captain? Fetiukov?

Does the form or content of this work violate the tenets of Socialist realism?